New Jeans Hani blocked Korean classes?… “Please refrain from making speculations.”

2023-11-23 01:03:02

New Jeans Hani. Photo | Star Today DB

Regarding the rumor that Adore, the agency of the group ‘New Jeans’, blocked Korean language classes for Hani (19), who has dual citizenship in Vietnam and Australia, he explained that it was “a speculation.”

On the 22nd, Adore said through its official account, “Regarding language training for NewJeans members, Adore recruits instructors and allocates training times according to the needs of each member, and has recently conducted separate language training that meets Hani’s needs. come. The same is true in the case of Korean language education,” he said on the 22nd.

He then emphasized, “In the same context, matters related to academic subjects and basic privacy, which are mentioned, are very important to individuals, so the company does not make decisions arbitrarily.”

Hani also said through phone call, “I think there was a misunderstanding during the phone call yesterday.

“I said I wanted to learn Korean a year ago to my manager, who I just quit, and he gave me a light answer on the spot, so I took it as a joke,” he explained.

He added, “I got into trouble during a phone call yesterday, and I apologize to everyone because it was something the CEO and other company people had no idea regarding.”

On the live broadcast the day before, Hani saw a comment saying ‘Stop improving your Korean’ and said, “I told the company that I wanted to take Korean classes, but I was told that I no longer need them. The last Korean class was two years ago,” sparking controversy over whether the agency was excluding the class.

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단 전재, 재배포 및 AI학습 이용 금지]

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