New government: Michel Barnier calls for ‘changes and ruptures’ and ‘more action than talk’ | LCP

After the announcement of his appointment to Matignon at midday, the new Prime Minister Michel Barnier went to Matignon to carry out the transfer of power with his predecessor, Gabriel Attal.

Nearly two months after the results of the legislative elections and after 52 days of resignation of the government, the transfer of power between Michel Barnier, the new Prime Minister, and Gabriel Attal, finally took place today at the end of the afternoon.

Evoking his “frustration“to leave Matignon after eight months,”the honor of a lifetime“, the Prime Minister congratulated”warmly“the new Prime Minister Michel Barnier, a”local elected official” has “virtually unmatched experience in the service of the State“.

Considering that “French politics is sick [mais que] healing is possible“, greeting the “french genius“, the former Prime Minister called for get out of pessimism.

For 8 months, we acted […] with one ambition: to keep our promises“, said Gabriel Attal, who urged the new Prime Minister to act on several “issues”: the “construction site of the de-smicardization“, “the vital need for public services“, the issue of access to care, the doubling of the number of medical students by 2027, the bill on the immediate appearance of minors or the national plan for adaptation to climate change – so many topics on the “bureau” of the new Prime Minister.

If I had to make just one request of you, […] it would be to continue to make school an absolute priority of the Republic.

You will allow me to add my own added valuestressed Michel Barnier after Gabriel Attal’s long statement. I am approaching this new page which opens with great humility, […] and with an Olympic form“, a reference to his contribution to the preparation of the Albertville Olympic Games in 1992 as president of the organizing committee, with former skier Jean-Claude Killy.

I hope that the period that is beginning will be a useful period for the French and for France. said the new Prime Minister.It will be a question of responding as much as we can to the challenges, the anger, the suffering, the feeling of abandonment, of injustice which run through our cities, our neighborhoods, our countryside far too much.“, citing in particular public services, schools, the “daily security” or the “immigration control“.

Michel Barnier said that a Prime Minister is expected for tell the truthespecially on the “financial and ecological debt“which France is facing.”It will take perseverance to continue a number of actions” added the new tenant of Matignon, particularly in terms of reindustrialization and defense of interests in Europe.

It will take a lot of listening and respect towards Parliament and all political forces. I repeat: all the political forces represented there.

We must and we will more action than talkto find solutions that work everywhere” committed Michel Barnier, promisingchanges and ruptures.  “Respect, unity, appeasement : I will do everything to live up to expectations and hopes [des Français]“, concluded the Savoyard, who will meet the president of the National Assembly on Saturday.



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