New features on WhatsApp: Now you can leave group chats without notifying everyone

New privacy features are coming to WhatsApp. Now you can leave group chats without notifying everyone. This is one of the major innovations made today by Mark Zuckerberg who maintains that his subsidiary now wants to make Internet users’ discussions more secure.

WhatsApp will change. In the days to come, new features will be added to allow Internet users to have a more secure application. Indeed, WhatsApp did not allow a user to leave a discussion group without notifying everyone. Now it will be possible. The functionality will be integrated into the application.

On top of that, viewers can control who can see them online at the walk. The most important feature today is that of preventing screenshots.

“We will continue to build new ways to protect your messages and keep them as private and secure as face-to-face conversations.” Mark said on his Facebook page visited by socialnetlink.

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