New features for organized colorectal cancer screening in 2022

A “Mars Bleu” hike will be organized on Monday 28 March. Meet at 1:30 p.m. in front of the Maison de Santé at La Primaube.

Once once more this year, participation rates in organized colorectal cancer screening remain low. The CRCDC-Occitanie recalls that colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in France. However, detected early, it can be cured in 9 out of 10 cases.

Blue March is an opportunity to raise awareness and promote colorectal cancer screening. On this occasion, companies, associations, health establishments organize events and awareness-raising actions. The CRCDC-Oc is associated with many of them. The program of these events is available by department on the website

Thus, Monday, March 28, a hike “Mars Bleu” is organized as part of the prevention and screening of colorectal cancer.

Meet at 1:30 p.m. at the Maison de Santé in La Primaube. A circuit accessible to all is proposed. Free.

By changing our lifestyle and participating in organized screening for colorectal cancer, we considerably reduce the risk of having cancer and we increase the chances of detecting it at an early stage.

The Covid must not widen health inequalities.

It should not prevent screening tests from being carried out.

The Covid-19 context should not be an obstacle to getting tested!



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