New Extension on Ukrainian Grain Imports Ban: Polish Government Stands Firm Against European Commission’s Decision

2023-09-15 21:10:07

Polish government spokesman Piotr Mueller revealed, in a press statement, that “the government will issue a decision to extend the ban imposed on Ukrainian grain imports,” stressing that “we do not agree with the European Commission’s decision, and we are taking national measures that are in the interest of Polish farmers and consumers.” “.

Yesterday, Friday, the European Commission announced the lifting of restrictions imposed by five European Union countries on Ukrainian grain imports in order to protect its farmers, in exchange for Kiev’s pledge to take measures to control its exports.

It is noteworthy that last June, the European Union agreed to impose restrictions on Ukrainian grain imports to five member states (Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia), seeking to protect their farmers who held these imports responsible for the decline in prices in local markets. These five countries have requested an extension of the restrictions, which expire today.

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