New export markets were conquered by Paraguay in the first half of the year

Asuncion, IP Agency.- According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Paraguay managed to enter three new markets during the first half of 2024, with the export of products such as frozen meat and offal. The expansion of markets consolidates the country’s position as a global food producer.

According to data from the Intelligence Directorate of the Vice Ministry of Rediex, in this semester Paraguay once more reached significant export figures in regions that had been underserved in the last twenty years, such as the Central African Republic, Kenya and Cambodia.

There have been no exports from the Central African Republic since 2004, with the exception of smaller shipments in 2022 of milk powder and chicken meat, worth USD 116,000.

In the first half of 2024, Paraguay managed to export products worth USD 654,000 to this country. Exports consisted mainly of beef, including ground and frozen meat.

Another market in which Paraguayan products have lost a significant presence since 2011 is Cambodia. There, in the first half of 2024, exports worth USD 259,000 were recorded, with shipments consisting mainly of frozen bovine offal.

Regarding Kenya, although there are records of wheat exports between 2010 and 2012, there has been no commercial relationship since then. It is therefore noteworthy that, between January and June of this year, Paraguay exported a tea extraction plant, originating in the United States, for a value of USD 2.2 million.

This fact highlights Paraguay’s ability to facilitate and manage the export of industrial products to Africa.

In this context, the Investment and Export Network points out that in June alone, soybean oil was sent to the British Virgin Islands, worth USD 323,595. Likewise, paddle tennis rackets were exported to Italy for a total of USD 59,024.

These achievements demonstrate the diversification and expansion of Paraguayan markets, reflecting a sustained effort by the country to strengthen its international presence and explore new business opportunities in regions with a limited history of trade.

#export #markets #conquered #Paraguay #year
2024-07-19 06:14:59



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