new explosions in the west of the country, nearly 1,500 people evacuated from Mariupol on Tuesday

Most of the candidates spoke following the discoveries at Boutcha. Here is a summary of what they said:

Asked regarding the war in Ukraine as President of the Republic, not as a candidate, Emmanuel Macron reacted to the massacres of civilians in the town of Boutcha. He said to himself « favorable » that the European Union (EU) decides on new sanctions vis-à-vis Russia, referring to oil and coal. “The scenes are unbearable. We are all extremely shocked”did he declare. “There are very clear indications of war crimes” in the small town of Boutcha, and it is “pretty much established that it is the Russian army” who was present there, added Mr. Macron at the microphone of France Inter. “International justice must pass and therefore those who were at the origin of these crimes will have to answer for them”said the President of the Republic.

Marine Le PenRN presidential candidate, said on BFM-TV and RMC: “As soon as civilians are slaughtered without defence, it covers the definition of war crimes. » “This is clearly a war crime” and “at all costs, there must be an urgent investigation carried out by the UN and possibly by the International Criminal Court [TPI]. These facts are inadmissible, it was a real barbarism and those who are responsible for this, obviously, will have to be heavily condemned, first morally and diplomatically.added The pen. The day before, she called for this qeu “the UN establishes responsibilities”.

For Jean-Luc Melenchonthere will be “neither forget nor forgive” for these atrocities. “The crimes of the Russian army once morest the Ukrainians of Boutcha are pure murderous savagery”considered, for his part, the candidate “rebellious”. “Russian officials must answer for it”does he have tweeted.

On Franceinfo, Eric Zemmour was questioned regarding the massacres in the Ukrainian town of Butcha. “If you had Vladimir Putin in front of you tomorrow morning, what would you say to him? »he was asked. “I would tell him that it is odious, criminal, infamous, and that it tarnishes the very image of his country. It is a dreadful crime. It’s an unbearable crime, it’s a despicable crime, but, in addition, for him, it’s really tarnishing the image of Russia. I do not understand “lamented the far-right candidate before insisting: “I said it from the start: the Russians at war are capable of the worst horrors. »

Fabien Roussel expressed on Twitter: “Faced with the horror and barbarism in Ukraine, these acts of torture and summary executions, how not to be shocked? It is crucial that the International Criminal Court be able to investigate, judge and condemn. The facts are extremely serious. »

“These images are unbearable”reacts the Republican candidate, Valerie Pécresseregarding scenes of carnage in the vicinity of kyivand Ukraine. “The Russian authorities will have to be held to account”she said at the microphone of RTL. “The priority is the return of peace, but justice will have to be done. »

“We are not helpless in the face of these atrocities, there is only one way to force Vladimir Putin to a ceasefire and at the end of these atrocities, it is to stop importing gas and Russian oil »reacted on France 2 the environmental candidate for the presidential election, Yannick Jadot. “We can’t be outraged and give Putin $800 million every day at the same time, so we need this embargo”, he insisted. According to him, Putin is a “war criminal”, “it means that he and his oligarchy will have to answer for their crimes before the International Criminal Court”.

“The pictures of #ButchaMassacre are unsustainable. Raw terror and horror. These crimes dig a bloody chasm between two brother peoples for years. Down with all nationalisms, all imperialist wars! In Ukraine, Mali or the Middle East! »tweeted Nathalie Arthaud.

Anne Hidalgo also expressed on Twitter: “The unsustainable massacre of civilians in #Boutcha by Putin’s army is a war crime. The action of Europe and France must be reinforced: stop paying for the gas of shame and increase the delivery of defense weapons to the Ukrainian people. »



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