2024-02-12 08:44:47
For this year, it is not planned to publish the Lenten Mandation in the usual format. In a press release sent, “our Father Bishops of our Episcopal Conference propose, instead, three documents which can help the different Communities to live in faith this time which prepares for the celebration of Easter”.
It is : “- The new Pastoral Letter from the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference on “The commitment of the Laity in the Church and Society” (February 2024). The sale will be entrusted to the diocesan leaders of the Apostolate of the Laity (Director of Works), at the price of 1000F per unit; – The Message of the Holy Father Pope Francis for Lent 2024, entitled “Through the desert, God guides us towards freedom”, easily found on the Internet; – The Year of Prayer (2024) established by Pope Francis, with a view to the Jubilee of 2025 (cf. Roman document to rediscover and deepen the centrality of prayer in its different forms that the Holy Spirit never ceases to give us inspire, The supports are also found on the Net)”, we specify in the document.
And Father Augustin Thiaw, Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference, concludes by formulating prayers for the Priests, religious and lay faithful of Senegal and Mauritania, in the same text: “By renewing to each and every one of you my fraternal communion in the mission that Jesus Christ has entrusted to us, I already wish you to experience a sanctifying Holy Season of Lent”.
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