New details about the “terrifying fire” near a Ukrainian nuclear plant

Ukrainian emergency servicesOn Friday, Russian forces prevented firefighting teams from reaching the city Zaporizhia nuclear power plant Located in the center of Ukraine and the largest in Europeto put out the fire that broke out in its surroundings after Russian bombing target it.

In a statement on Facebook, the emergency services said: "The invaders are not allowing the Ukrainian public rescue units to start putting out the fire"Noting that the fire was raging in "training building" At the plant, one of its six reactors is currently operating.

And local Ukrainian media reported that the third power unit at the station was closed, and that only the fourth power unit was operating, stressing that the radiation and fire safety conditions in nuclear power station Within normal limits.

The International Atomic Energy Agency has warned of "grave danger"if a nuclear reactor at the Zaporizhia plant was hit, calling for a halt to the use of force near Zaporizhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine.

And the US President searched Of the bygones With his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky "Russian bombing At the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant"according to a US official.

A spokesman for the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant in Russia was quoted by the RIA news agency Ukrainesaying that radiation levels did not change at the station, the vicinity of which witnessed a fire after an attack by Russian forces.

Earlier on Friday night, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on Twitter that a fire had broken out at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, and that the Russian military was bombing it from all sides.

Koleba said in a tweet on Twitter: "The Russian army is firing from all sides at the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe".

و :ضاف: "The fire has already caught on. If it exploded, it would be ten times bigger than Chernobyl! The Russians must immediately cease fire, allow the arrival of firefighters, and establish a security zone".

Koleba refers to the 1986 incident in Chernobyl Station for nuclear power, when Ukraine was part of Soviet Unionan accident considered the worst nuclear disaster in history.


Ukraine 24 TV channel reported, quoting the director of the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant, that “radiological safety at the plant was secured,” while the Ukrainian authorities reported that “the nuclear safety of the Zaporizhia nuclear plant is guaranteed.”

announced Ukrainian emergency servicesOn Friday, Russian forces prevented firefighting teams from reaching the city Zaporizhia nuclear power plant Located in the center of Ukraine and the largest in Europeto put out the fire that broke out in its surroundings after Russian bombing target it.

The emergency services said in a statement on Facebook that “the invaders are not allowing the Ukrainian General Rescue Units to start putting out the fire,” noting that the fire broke out in a “training building” at the station, and that one of its six reactors was currently operating.

And local Ukrainian media reported that the third power unit at the station was closed, and that only the fourth power unit was operating, stressing that the radiation and fire safety conditions in nuclear power station Within normal limits.

And the International Atomic Energy Agency warned of a “grave danger”, if a nuclear reactor at the Zaporizhia plant was hit, and called for a halt to the use of force near Zaporizhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine.

And the US President searched Of the bygones With his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr ZelenskyRussian bombing on the Zaporizhia nuclear plant,” a US official said.

A spokesman for the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant in Russia was quoted by the RIA news agency Ukrainesaying that radiation levels did not change at the station, the vicinity of which witnessed a fire after an attack by Russian forces.

Earlier on Friday night, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on Twitter that a fire had broken out at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, and that the Russian military was bombing it from all sides.

“The Russian army is firing from all sides at the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe,” Kuleba said in a tweet on Twitter.

“The fire has already caught on. If it exploded, it would be ten times bigger than Chernobyl! The Russians should stop firing immediately, allow the arrival of the firefighters and establish a security zone,” he added.

Koleba refers to the 1986 incident in Chernobyl Station for nuclear power, when Ukraine was part of Soviet Unionan accident considered the worst nuclear disaster in history.

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