New Democracy: The proposals to change the electoral law and the peace dinners 2024-09-28 12:18:13

Quite simply, Mr. Georgiadis is the one who says “out loud” the thoughts that exist in many government and party officials. In fact, it is something that has also concerned the prime minister Kyriakos Mitsotakisthat when the issue was raised at the press conference he gave at the International Exhibition of Thessaloniki, he did not definitively close it with the answer he gave.

However, the government representative, Pavlos Marinakis, appeared categorical, saying that there is no discussion about changing the electoral law. Pavlos Marinakis, commenting on the statements of Adonis Georgiadis regarding a possible change in the electoral law so as not to Italianize the Greek political scene, said that the Minister of Health expressed his firm position and did not make a proposal. Earlier the Minister of Health in an interview with dnews had stated: “Weak majorities create weak governments. I have always believed in strong governments. My position remains the same through time. I am in favor of the strengthened majority, I want independent governments. I don’t believe in cooperative governments at all anymore. I have served in two such governments, in the Papadimos government and in the Samara-Venizelou government, and I assure you that I cannot believe that this country can be governed with a multi-party government,” said the Minister of Health.

Mr. Georgiadis said that if the electoral law is not changed, there is a risk that “there will be completely hermaphrodite cooperation governments in the future. I remind you that even the SYRIZA – ANEL government was a completely hermaphrodite government, since a party of the Left and indeed of the Radicals, had cooperated with the Independent Greeks, a party to the right of the New Democracy.

However, weak majorities create not only weak governments, but also hermaphrodite governments. Personally, I would not like to see such a possibility happening and would prefer a change in the electoral law.” In a question about her Aphrodite Latinopoulou and the possibility of ND government cooperation, the Minister of Health noted: “I repeat, no, I cannot see Mrs. Latinopoulou as our government ally. But if there is no government majority in a parliament, then life forces you to make many kinds of compromises. These compromises are not a good thing in politics, because they reinforce the discredit of the political system. That is why I will repeat it: we need an electoral law that will ensure a strong government.”

Dinners of peace

However, while in the N.D. the “peace” dinners continue, the government representative for the first time left open the possibility of Avgenakis’ return, saying that he does not know if Mr. Avgenakis is returning to Greece, while in the case of Mr. Salma he said that he had given answers and that the member was not removed because he tabled a question.

Referring to whether the N.D. is consistent with the founding declaration of Constantinos Karamanlis he said that “alas if the N.D. was not consistent and faithful to the founding declaration” and added that “in the N.D. – as the prime minister also said – we are all Karamanlians”. Finally, referring to the two former prime ministers Mr. Karamanli and Samara, said that the two former prime ministers have the right to say what they want and the government does not judge their opinions.

He also said on the occasion of a question about ministerial dinners with MPs that the ND she is resilient, she has learned to converse on the instruments and that “there is no dragon in the fairy tale that says that the former presidents of the N.D. are something different”.

However, at the last dinner that became known at the historic “Karavitis” tavern, present with Mr. Pierrakakis were the two deputy ministers Zetta Makri and Ioanna Lytrivi, as well as the general secretaries Nikos Papaioannou and Olga Kafetzopoulou. From Maximou, the deputy minister in addition to the prime minister, Giorgos Mylonakis, who was also at the dinner at the Athens Club, at the corresponding invitation of Adonis Georgiadis, as well as the close associate of Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Thanasis Nezis. The purely meat-eating menu with… ribs, sausages and meatballs, while the atmosphere was, according to several congregants, excellent. It “took off” when Mr. Pierrakakis took… flowers from an elderly street vendor and offered them to the party’s deputies.

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