New credit card in check – an advantage that surprises you

Berlin. What can the new credit card from Amazon do and who is it worth it for? We present the conditions of the Amazon Visa and alternatives.

No annual fee, up to two percent cashback and 2000 euros Credit card limit after the application has been approved: The online group is launching a new Visa credit card after the cooperation with Berliner Sparkasse ended. The credit card promises special benefits for Amazon customers – but which of them do you really need?

We have looked at the conditions of the new one Amazon Visaa closer look at the target group and the advantages over other credit cards. In addition to the fee structure, the cashback is particularly interesting. But there are also dark sides.

Also interesting

Amazon Visa: Credit card limits etc. at a glance

For the Amazon credit card* There is no annual fee and no new checking account needs to be opened. This puts the Amazon Visa card in the category of free credit cards with no annual fee. What’s special: cardholders can choose between a full payment and a flexible partial payment. Loan interest applies for the partial payment. If you want to avoid this, choose full payment by direct debit.


No annual fee

10 to 25 euros starting credit included


  • No annual fee

  • 0,5 bis 2 % Cashback

  • Direct debit

  • Fees for cash withdrawals

  • Foreign currency fee

  • No insurance and Apple Pay

If you pay in full, there is no interest and the Amazon credit card can actually be credited free of charge. Unlike other credit cards such as Barclays, there is no charge for direct debit. The prerequisite is a checking account with German IBANfrom which the invoice amount can be collected. Immediately after the application has been approved, Amazon promises a credit card limit of 2,000 euros.

Annual fee none

Credit card limit2000 euros

Effective interest rate for partial payment 20.13 percent per year

PaymentFull or partial payment via direct debit

Foreign currency fee 1.50 percent of sales

Cash withdrawal 3.90 percent of sales, at least 1.50 euros

Starting credit of 10 euros, loyalty bonus of 25 euros

Cashback 1% via, 0.5% for all sales

Contactless paymentYes, but no Apple Pay

Amazon Visa Definition

Who benefits from the new Amazon credit card?

The new credit card is primarily aimed at all Amazon customers. A special feature is the cashback points program, which is particularly interesting for Amazon orders. There is one on Amazon point for every full euro of sales. For sales outside of Amazon, however, there is only 0.5 percent cashback per sales. On special promotional days, Amazon Prime members will receive up to two points for every euro spent.

The points can later be redeemed at checkout via One Amazon Visa Like the Payback American Express or Klarna credit card, it is primarily suitable for paying in order to benefit from the points program. Using cards makes less sense abroad. Amazon charges a foreign currency fee of 1.50 percent of sales. The credit card does not include insurance.

You can find further tests on various products and trends on the Berliner Morgenpost topic page.

Important note about the fee structure of the Visa card

If you withdraw cash from an ATM with your Amazon credit card, you have to 3.90 percent of the amount paid out – but at least 1.50 euros – in addition. Verivox Managing Director Oliver Maier’s conclusion about Amazon Visa is clear: He sees the new Amazon credit card primarily as a customer loyalty tool. The cashback in the form of points can only be redeemed on Amazon and is only 0.5 to 2 percent. The card is therefore particularly interesting for regular Amazon buyers. Maier cites the automatic direct debit as an advantage, with which high loan interest rates can be avoided. However, according to him, there are also weaknesses: If you want to use the credit card to withdraw cash or outside Europe, you will find cheaper offers among the free cards without an account connection.

Our comparison of the best credit cards and the following calculator can also provide guidance.


Up to 25 euros starting credit for selected customers

Amazon gives every customer 10 euros Starting creditwhich will be charged to the card statement after the first purchase. In addition, Amazon offers a loyalty bonus for selected customers who already had the Amazon credit card that has been withdrawn from the market. “The conditions and the amount of the loyalty bonus can be adjusted by Amazon over time and at its own discretion,” it says.

The loyalty bonus is currently no longer actively advertised by Amazon, but is still in the small print. Up to 25 euros are possible. The financial portal reports that Prime members can also get the loyalty bonus. Starting balances have become rare for credit cards without an annual fee. This was done for the Bank Norwegian credit card Starting balance abolished as early as 2023.

Advantages of Amazon Visa over other credit cards

For the Payback American Express* There is no starting credit, but you will receive up to 3,000 extra points when you re-apply for this credit card. Payback’s Amex is also one of the few credit cards on the market that is comparable to Amazon’s Visa card. Both come with no annual fee and offer an attractive cashback option with their bonus point programs.

Alternatives such as the Barclays Visa, the Mastercard Gold from TF Bank or the credit card from awa7 also have no annual fee, but do not offer active cashback in the form of points or direct credits. They are more suitable as travel credit cards than the Amazon Visa. There are no additional fees abroad and in the Mastercard Gold der TF Bank* Basic travel protection is also included.

Conclusion on Amazon Visa: One customer group particularly benefits

Die Amazon credit card* is suitable for paying for domestic purchases – primarily via Amazon. If you often shop via Amazon and generally use your credit card to pay, you will find your Visa card a smart companion and then also benefit from the bonus points. They are suitable as a travel credit card and for partial payments Amazon credit card due to the fees and 20.13 percent effective interest rate less.

The credit card can also be attractive right now: on October 8th and 9th Amazon Prime Day takes place and Black Friday takes place a few weeks later. In addition to discounts, Amazon credit card holders can look forward to up to two percent cashback on promotional days. In addition, the credit card does not have an annual fee and can be kept as a balance. This means that the consumer initially incurs no costs.


Cashback inklusive

1% cashback for almost every transaction


  • 1% cashback per transaction

  • No annual fee

  • No foreign fee

  • No credit limit

  • Only together with a cash account

  • No insurance

+++ You can also find a lot of information on our credit card topic page +++

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