New Chongqing is moving toward a “new” direction—a panoramic “observation” on how Chongqing cultivates and develops new productive forces_Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Website

2024-03-31 23:44:00

Recently, Changan Automobile’s Liangjiang factory has been busy.Photo by correspondent Wang Jiaxi\Visual Chongqing

“China has the ability to skip a step and directly enter the new era of automobiles!”

In 1992, science guru Qian Xuesen wrote a letter to the Party Central Committee, suggesting the development of new energy vehicles and making such a prediction.

More than 30 years later, the prediction has become a reality – in 2023, China’s automobile export volume will rank first in the world for the first time. About two-thirds of new energy vehicles sold globally are made in China.

The strong rise of the new energy automobile industry can be regarded as a model for China to develop new productive forces.

Behind this remarkable achievement, Chongqing, as an important automobile manufacturing base in my country, has adapted measures to local conditions and moved towards “newness”, contributing “Chongqing strength”.

Adapt measures to local conditions and stimulate the “power of precision”

The dark blue right-hand drive car produced by Changan Automobile was launched in Southeast Asia, and orders exceeded 3,000 units in just one month;

Thalys new energy vehicle products have been exported to Germany and France, with orders exceeding 20,000 vehicles;

The new energy vehicle products produced by Ruilan Automobile have accelerated their entry into the South American market, and have started the construction of battery swapping stations there;

New energy heavy trucks produced by SAIC Hongyan are exported to Russia, Indonesia and other countries;


In 2023, the production and sales of “Made in Chongqing” new energy vehicles will exceed the 500,000 mark, ranking second in the country, strongly supporting China’s new energy vehicle exports.

It is not easy to achieve this result.

The modern new Chongqing is moving toward “newness” and planning and laying out the “33618” modern manufacturing cluster system according to local conditions. Among them, the intelligent network-connected new energy vehicle industry ranks first among the three major trillion-level leading industrial clusters.

Over the past year, Chongqing has promoted the full coverage and cluster development of three major systems, 12 major assemblies, and 56 components of intelligent connected new energy vehicles. Today, a “1+10+1000” industrial pattern has been formed with the Changan series as the leader, more than a dozen vehicle companies as the backbone, and thousands of supporting companies as the support.

With the implementation of a large number of supporting projects such as ST Power Chip and Dayang Motor, the localized supporting rate of Chongqing’s intelligent connected new energy vehicles is expected to increase from about 30% currently to more than 50% by 2025.

Other industrial clusters in “33618” are also blooming everywhere.

Taking the new generation of electronic information manufacturing industry as an example, Chongqing has built a 500 billion-level industrial cluster for smart terminals, as well as several tens of billion-level industrial clusters such as integrated circuits, new displays, instrumentation, and smart home appliances.

Let’s look at the new display industry. In 2023, Chongqing’s new display industry cluster will achieve an output value of 76.9 billion yuan. According to the plan, in the next three years, Chongqing will introduce more than 20 well-known enterprises in the cultivation industry, develop more than 50 enterprises above designated standards, and build a new display innovation and development highland with global influence, with an output value exceeding 100 billion yuan.

Looking at the sea of ​​stars, Chongqing’s development of new-quality productive forces also has many bright spots.

At an altitude of about 520 kilometers above the ground, there are 22 satellites in orbit, forming a satellite network. This network, named “Tianmu-1” meteorological constellation, was developed by Aerospace Tianmu (Chongqing) Satellite Technology Co., Ltd. It is the world’s first commercial occultation to achieve integrated detection of “sea reflection + atmospheric occultation + ionization occultation” constellation.

The “Tianmu-1” meteorological constellation, from 0 to 22 satellites, completed the first phase of networking in January 2024. It took only one year to set a new national record for the speed of networking of the occultation meteorological detection constellation system.

Overall, in 2023, the added value of Chongqing’s regulated industries will increase by 3.2%; the manufacturing quality competitiveness index will break through the 90 mark for the first time, entering the “very competitive” echelon; the added value of strategic emerging industries will increase by 6.2%, and software business revenue Growth of 10.5%…

“Judging from the development practice in the past year, the ‘33618’ modern manufacturing cluster system led by technological innovation is consistent and fully consistent with the goal of developing new productive forces.” said Lan Qinghua, director of Chongqing Municipal Economic and Information Commission. .

Represented by the “33618” modern manufacturing cluster system, Chongqing’s development strategy adapted to local conditions has inspired the “power of precision.”

Based on Sichuan and Chongqing, gathering “majestic power”

Adapt measures to local conditions to prosper a city; base oneself on Sichuan and Chongqing to benefit both sides.

On March 28, in the Sichuan-Chongqing Key Laboratory of Digital Economy Intelligence and Security at Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Professor Xia Shuyin led a group of students to analyze massive image data through scientific modeling to remotely help doctors diagnose patients with knee arthritis. severity.

This is the country’s first scientific research platform named after digital economic intelligence and security, and it is also one of the Sichuan and Chongqing key laboratories jointly launched by Sichuan and Chongqing.

The construction and operation mechanisms of laboratories vary widely from place to place. Cross-regional collaboration and co-building of laboratories is not an easy task, and requires drastic reforms to break down institutional barriers.

At this point, Chongqing dares to venture forward and strive to be the first. Why is this?

First, key laboratories can provide a “source” for innovation and are a “cradle” for creating and cultivating new productivity.

Second, by cultivating and developing new productive forces and superimposing national strategies layer by layer, we can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Sichuan and Chongqing have repeatedly negotiated for more than ten times. At the end of 2023, the two provinces and cities issued the “Measures for the Construction and Operation Management of Key Laboratories Co-constructed by Sichuan and Chongqing” to jointly build key laboratories in accordance with the principle of “mature one, demonstrated one, and built one”.

These key laboratories jointly built by Sichuan and Chongqing are undoubtedly the “source of power” for new productivity and the “cutting edge weapon” for high-quality development.

For example, the Sichuan-Chongqing Key Laboratory of Digital Economic Intelligence and Security will carry out original and leading research on cognitive and intelligent computing such as uncertainty artificial intelligence, big data intelligent analysis, and multi-granularity particle computing. For traditional The transformation and upgrading of industries and the cultivation of strategic emerging industries are of great significance.

To provide scientific research results or innovative resource matching for the development of new productive forces, such joint actions are frequently carried out in Sichuan and Chongqing.

Such as industrial collaboration. At the eighth meeting of the Chongqing-Sichuan Party and Government Joint Conference to promote the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing twin-city economic circle held in December 2023, the two places launched the “Three-Year Action to Cultivation and Promotion of Electronic Information Advanced Manufacturing Clusters in the Chengdu-Chongqing Region” to jointly lock in a new Goal: By 2025, the scale of the electronic information advanced manufacturing cluster in the two places will exceed 2.2 trillion yuan.

Such as open innovation. Sichuan and Chongqing Customs have successively launched a series of innovative measures such as “one guarantee, multiple uses”, “customs and bank, one KEY” Sichuan and Chongqing integrated model, and “instant arrival and entry” convenient supervision model for front-line goods entering the comprehensive bonded area, allowing enterprises in the two places to clear customs Save 25% of time and 30% of customs clearance fees. In the first two months of this year, the import and export of high-tech products between Sichuan and Chongqing reached 149.77 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 14.3%.

In this regard, Lan Qinghua said that since the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing twin-city economic circle was launched, the two sides have continued to focus on the two goals and tasks of Sichuan and Chongqing to jointly build an important national advanced manufacturing base and Chongqing to build an important national advanced manufacturing center. Promote the integration of industrial innovation resources and focus on promoting high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.

“Sichuan and Chongqing are a ‘game of chess’ and have formed a synergistic effect in the manufacturing fields of the two places.” Zhai Gang, director of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Economics and Information Technology, said that Sichuan and Chongqing have jointly deployed world-class intelligent networked new energy vehicle industry cluster construction, data A package of actions such as smart technology empowerment and green and low-carbon transformation have not only highlighted the increase but also achieved quality improvement in the process of jointly building a modern manufacturing cluster.

It can be expected that with the continuous accumulation of innovative achievements and innovative measures, the new productive forces that promote the development of Sichuan and Chongqing will become stronger and stronger, and will eventually be condensed into a “majestic force” to promote the development of the Chengdu-Chongqing twin-city economic circle.

Serve the overall situation and contribute “a helping hand”

On December 16, 2023, a batch of frozen beef from Brazil took a rail-sea combined transport train on the New Western Land-Sea Corridor from Qinzhou Port in Guangxi and arrived at Tuanjie Village Central Station in Chongqing.

Subsequently, with the “one-order system” digital bill of lading, these customers received chattel pledge financing support.

This is the first “one-bill-system” digital bill of lading movable property pledge financing business for multimodal transport under the New Land-Sea Corridor in China. According to preliminary estimates, this customer can obtain financing of approximately 20 million yuan, and the comprehensive cost of funds is reduced by about 40% compared with the original model.

In the past year, Chongqing has made many innovations in the digital bill of lading of the New Western Land-Sea Corridor. For example, Chongqing promoted the use of “land-sea chain” in Laos, Vietnam and other places, issuing 108 and 13 “one-bill system” digital bills of lading respectively, with goods values ​​reaching US$22.25 million and US$360,000 respectively.

Chongqing is the logistics and operation organization center of the New Western Land-Sea Corridor. It links with the “13+2” provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to continuously reform and innovate to improve the comprehensive service capabilities and radiation driving capabilities of the corridor. At present, the New Western Land-Sea Corridor network has covered 144 stations in 70 cities in 18 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, reaching 490 ports in 120 countries and regions around the world, becoming the “economic artery” of the countries and regions along the route.

The service capacity of logistics channels determines the flow efficiency of production factors. The New Western Land-Sea Corridor has opened up the nearest southward seaport for the central and western regions, and has become one of the main logistics routes connecting the central and western regions to overseas countries. It has changed the long-standing situation in the western region of facing ASEAN but “exporting goods from the west to the east”, and has realized the control of production. The reorganization of factors is fundamentally a manifestation of new qualitative productivity.

Along the logistics channels, more new productive forces are accelerating “outflow”, forming a strong “pulse”.

For example, since 2023, MCC Saidi, a state-owned enterprise in Chongqing, has been serving the world with its backing in Chongqing: in Southeast Asia, it participated in the one-step heat recovery project of the Samalaju Steel Plant of Wenan Steel (Malaysia) Co., Ltd.; it took root in South America and won the bid for the Oruro Zinc Smelting Plant. Supervising the whole process of the project, we continued to obtain orders for the Brazilian GA blast furnace transformation project; in the European and American markets, we obtained the green steel transformation consulting project of British Steel, and signed an MOU for the new electric furnace project of Dunafer Steel Plant in Hungary; the independently developed nationally produced intelligent three-stand UMCD universal rolling mill, Metallurgical equipment equipped with core technologies such as high-performance medium-voltage AC-AC frequency conversion devices, national-level manufacturing single champion products six-high rolling mills, steckel mill heating furnaces, large molten steel tanks, etc. have been successfully exported to India, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, etc. country.

For another example, in the landmark building complex of Vientiane City, the capital of Laos – Lhasa Ong Square, Fan Yan, an investor from Chongqing, used “Made in Chongqing” mechanical and electrical equipment, transformers, and glass in the construction of the project. About 50% of the raw materials for the entire project were used in the construction of the project. Produced in Chongqing or branded in Chongqing.

Another example is the team of Professor Liu Hanlong of Chongqing University, which contributed PCC pile technology to reinforce soft foundations for Vietnam’s first urban light rail Ji Linh-Ha Dong line…

Chongqing is using concrete projects one after another to bring new productive forces to the benefit of people from all over the world and contribute “a helping hand” to the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”.

New Chongqing, moving towards the “new”. On the new journey, Chongqing shoulders new missions, seizes new opportunities, and uses new productive forces to help people realize new visions and create new vitality for the economy.

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