New board at the CRT of Agadir Souss-Massa – Today Morocco

2023-07-14 10:00:52

Salah Eddine Benhammane and Guy Mâche took control of the entity

Tourism: Professionals take their destiny into their own hands and there is a lot to do for the development of the destination. Regional adaptation of the new roadmap for the sector, hotel stock in difficulty, aerial and animation of the city, the files are identified.

The Agadir Souss-Massa Regional Tourism Council is opening a new chapter in its history. Wednesday, July 13, the body held its elective assembly. It is in this context that the list of the new Board of Directors was adopted. As a reminder, following the call for candidates launched recently for the election of a new president, only one candidate was expressed. This is the duo Salah Eddine Benhammane and Guy Mâche.

Two great professionals in the sector well known for being respectively CEO of Atlas Hospitality hotels in Agadir and co-president of the Tikida Group. Two big names in the activity that make the tourism of Agadir. They thus agree to give more of their time to the development of the destination. As a reminder, the two professionals have previously held the position of Chairman of the CRT respectively at different times.

Today the duo presents itself with a list of 32 members. 30 from the college of the private professional sector and two from the college of civil personalities.
The election of the new board is thus recorded today. Professionals thus take their destiny into their own hands and there is a lot to do for the development of the destination. Regional adaptation of the new roadmap for the sector, hotel stock in difficulty, aerial and animation of the city, the files are identified. In the meantime, mission accomplished for Said Scally who chaired the transitional committee in charge of the CRT for several months. “I leave today leaving a CRT with statutes voted unanimously, a financial situation and a balance sheet that honors us all. No supplier or service provider awaiting payment at the end of July.

No dispute with any body or institution,” said Said Scally. The professional also underlines that “the action plan with the ONMT has been renegotiated with commitments on both sides, simple, clear, precise but which requires rigorous monitoring”. “The CRT of Agadir today is a model of its kind on the national level by its cash flow, its regularity vis-à-vis taxes, the CNSS and especially by its management in the legality and the respect of all the conditions imposed by the Court of Auditors for associations benefiting from subsidies from public funds”, adds the outgoing president of the transitional committee. After this mission, he is now a member of the college of civil personalities in the CA of the CRT of Agadir Souss-Massa.
All that remains for everyone today is to get down to work.

For Salah Eddine Benhammane as for Guy Mâchen, the air is the priority file which must still be tackled to boost the activity of the destination. To achieve the objectives set out in the roadmap, operators in the Agadir region are calling for more air transport. If the new air services announced to connect Agadir to the Scandinavian market are good news for a return of this market to the destination from next winter, for the time being Agadir has not even recovered 35% of recorded air traffic before 2019 with its foreign source markets. It is therefore essential to move forward to adapt the air offer to the demand of tourists and involve professionals in the establishment of connections.

#board #CRT #Agadir #SoussMassa #Today #Morocco



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