New and simple diet to lose weight

This diet is known as iDip, or “Individual Dietary Improvement Program,” based on protein and fiber.

The amount of protein and fiber each person eats depends on their body weight and goals.

Protein helps keep your stomach full longer, even more than fat and carbohydrates. The longer you stay full after a meal, the less food you will eat overall.

Fiber is an essential nutrient that adds bulk to your diet without adding extra calories. It is found in abundance in fruits and vegetables, which also provide the body with essential vitamins for health. Similar to protein, it can help you feel full longer.

“We don’t eliminate food groups like low-carb or low-fat plans do,” said Mindy H. Lee, a registered dietitian at the University of Illinois. “The primary goal is to empower dieters to make informed choices so they can create their own sustainable weight management program.”

The first iDip test, conducted in 2017, helped half of participants reach and maintain their weight loss goals.

The second iDip trial, now published in the journal Obesity Science and Practice, involved 22 overweight people, who were asked to attend 19 different workshops, complete homework, take weekly body measurements and attend individual consultations over a one-year period.

The researchers kept in touch with the participants for a year after the initial trials, to see if they maintained the weight loss.

They were advised to eat foods rich in fiber and low in calories, such as oats, apples, and broccoli, in addition to foods high in protein, such as turkey, chicken, fish, and beans.

At the end of the trial, 41% of participants achieved significant weight loss, losing an average of 12.9% of their initial body mass.

Those who saw promising results during the first three months were more likely to have sustained weight loss at the end of the trial.

But some modifications to the diet are necessary to make it work for everyone, according to the study.

Source: Daily Mail

#simple #diet #lose #weight
2024-08-23 10:03:12



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