New and Improved Denner Store Coming Soon to Courtelary – Say Goodbye to Container Housed Retail

2023-07-18 14:45:00

A summer without a Denner store in Courtelary. The Satellite closed its doors definitively in June. In question: the sale of the plot which hosted the trade. But a new project is already in the pipeline.

It may be a blessing in disguise. Courtelary’s Satellite Denner was housed in containers, a context not necessarily ideal. The decision of the manager of the store and above all the owner of the plot to sell the land to a promoter will finally give birth to a much more suitable solution. Indeed, it is a solid building that will be erected soon. The opposition period having expired, the building permit can therefore be granted quickly, he assures us. A building planned for the first half of 2024 and which will therefore house a new Denner store, larger and more modern, confirmed the retail giant. A pharmacy is also planned in the building. Good news knowing that the inhabitants of Vallon have to go to St-Imier or Tavannes currently.

The new offer will also have to compensate for another closure scheduled for December 31, that of the Denner in Corgémont, “not profitable enough” according to the company’s press service.

In Courtelary, the closure of Satellite Denner put six employees out of work. According to our information, a solution has been found for each of them. Everyone will be able to freely reapply once the new store opens next year. /oza

#Courtelary #Denner

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