Neurologist spoke about the first signs of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

Violation of memory, attention, thinking, speech, as well as irritability, slovenliness and apathy are signs of incipient dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. At the same time, relatives often attribute such manifestations to age and fatigue, while these may be symptoms of the initial stage of a progressive disease. About it on the air of the radio station “Moscow Speaks” Tatyana Won, a neurologist of the highest category, said.

Dementia is translated as “dementia”. This is the primary symptom in Alzheimer’s disease. Violations occur when first short-term memory is lost, and then long-term memory is also impaired. Such emotional disturbances as apathy, indifference, slovenliness, and the like join. Cognitive impairments: memory, attention, thinking and speech. If you notice that a loved one is constantly asking the same thing once more, then this should cause alertness. Sometimes a relative does not understand himself, he thinks he is tired. However, such factors limiting the quality of life as anxiety in the early stages join: I can’t get there myself, I need to be escorted. Dementia is always accompanied by emotional disturbances: tearfulness, discontent appears, it becomes more conflicting, ”commented the specialist.

According to the expert, when such symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a neurologist. The doctor added that depression has a detrimental effect on the neurological condition – it can provoke such diseases.



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