Neural Network Recreation: Evaluating Game Screenshots and Midjourney Models

2024-01-29 07:20:00

How well do you think a neural network can recreate screenshots from top games? Recently a redditor asked this question u/killstar324 and decided to test my question in practice. Using Midjourney, he created 20 images from various cult games and the results turned out surprisingly well. Some of the frames can even be mistaken for official images.

However, if you start looking closely, the problems become obvious. But this is an interesting experiment that allows us to evaluate how the neural network “sees” a particular game.

An identical prompt was used for all frames:

Video Game screenshot, ingame, [название игры]–v 6.0 –style raw –s 50

It is worth noting that the sixth version of the Midjourney model was used for the work; on earlier models the result would have been worse. It will be interesting to see how subsequent versions handle the same task. Will they be able to take screenshots that are indistinguishable from the game?

We tried something similar before, but with Subnautica 3 it turned out very nice too.

Do you recognize all the games?

#Neural #network #user #Midjourney #recreated #screenshots #iconic #games

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