2023-05-05 20:39:39
The City of Neuchâtel inaugurated the Agota Kristof square on Friday, in tribute to the writer who had fled repression in Hungary. This new name also contributes to a better representation of women in the public space.
The place, located south of the Latin College, was still anonymous. The authorities took the opportunity to pay tribute to “a famous writer of European stature (1935-2011), who fled repression in Hungary and treated, in her books, the hardships of exile and integration”. The writer learned French and started writing when she was in Neuchâtel.
The municipality also wants to pursue its desire “to strive for a better balance in the representations between men and women in the public space”, she specified. A movement that began in 2018 in Neuchâtel with the allocation of a place to Tilo Frey, the first Neuchâteloise and Afro-descendant to sit in the Federal Parliament. In this case, the City had renamed the Espace Louis Agassiz, a glaciologist who had promoted segregationist and racist theses in the 19th century.
Underrepresented women
The feminization of street names nevertheless remains very slow in Neuchâtel. According to Arcinfo, out of 433 streets or squares in the town, only five (six since Friday evening) bear the name of a woman.
The authorities have mandated the University of Neuchâtel (UniNE) to propose around fifty names of personalities representing circles that are absent and poorly represented in the public space. These are mostly women. There might be the first woman appointed in 1944 as a full professor at the UniNE, the mathematician Sophie Piccard.
In connection with the inauguration of the square, which takes place within the framework of Europe Week, several events will revolve around Agota Kristof. A collective paper work is designed until Tuesday by women from the Recif association, readings will take place as part of Word Mondays on May 8 and the public will be able to watch the documentaries on Sunday on the author of the “Grand Cahier “, directed by Eric Bergkraut, Franco-Swiss filmmaker.
This article has been published automatically. Source: ats
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