“Networks are capable of teaching what the doctor’s life is really like”

Defined by himself as a “restless ass”, Daniel Filgueira, better known as Dafisan1 on social networks, he is a 22-year-old from Vigo who is studying his fifth year of Medicine in Santiago de Compostela and who has become a referent for some young people in the field of creating health content. This is how their numbers on the internet support it: around 60,000 followers on TikTok and more than 8,000 and 6,000 subscriptions on YouTube and Twitch.

Complete interview with DAFIMED.

To understand his success, he details in an interview with Medical Writing the reasons that led you to start generate content on these platforms, toxicity and the dangers that are in them and the relevance they have when it comes to publicizing aspects of the health world.

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Daniel Filgueira transfers the reasons why he started on social networks.

Despite the difficult issues that students can come to live within the career, Filgueira assures that “he does not regret” having chosen this path because, for him, it is a career “that has brought him practically everything.” “Trust, knowledge and he has taught me a lot,” he highlights.

Filgueira advocates a teaching model where the student “from the first year” know the hospital and “feel that this is your place, creating a connection from the beginning with the patient”. “This is already happening in the United States, England and other countries,” she says. The future doctor insists that the approach given in the race is “too theoretical and sad” but he is sure that he will evolve in the future.

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Daniel Filgueira explains the need for a “more practical” model in medical schools

Pediatrics as a possible choice for residency

Being that a concern that he shares with his followers on social networks, within a year he will have another decision much more important: the choice of specialty. At the moment, he does not have a “clear and defined” one, but he feels that his site has to be inside an operating room. “He calls me everything that has to do with the critical patient and with the ER, and as a specialty, without a doubt, Pediatrics, because it is incredible,” he continues.

This interest in acquiring more knowledge, learning regarding oneself and being able to interact closely with an audience went tosome of the reasons for which the future doctor began to Create health content on your social networks. A place where you share your thoughts, interests, routines and opinions related to the world of Medicine.

“If there is something that my parents have always taught me, it is that the expert who only knows his specialty knows nothing. So, it is something very positive to have the possibility of, in parallel to the degree, continue training in graphic design, editing and to improve my communication skills in each video or direct that I upload ”, he emphasizes.

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One of the photos that Daniel Filgueira uses on his social networks

Living from social networks is something that takes “a long time to achieve”

One of the platforms that helps you get organized and combine it with your studies es Twitchbecause there you can do live shows while you study and, in turn, share reflections, anecdotes or opinions with the followers who see him in real time, but also highlights his negative and dark aspect: toxicity, hoaxes and even bullying between users. Specifically, that of the “extreme amount” of anonymous accounts that exist, which generate many “toxic comments”.

Another of the aspects that Filgueira deals with are the artificial intelligence filters on TikTok “that are applied directly” when a user wants to take a photo, creating beauty standards that are not real. “You have to be careful with it from the point of view of the creator as well as from the point of view of the viewer, because many children also consume it. But it is also true that I believe that she is going to evolve and every time she is going to be safer ”, she underlines.

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An image where Daniel Filgueira’s hobbies come together: Medicine, content creation and sport.

Tools that can “really” teach the life of a doctor

However, social networks are a “very powerful” tool for doctor-patient communication. One of the projects that Filgueira has at the moment is “to be able to teach” aspects of the health field through entertainment from Tiktok.

“You can get 2 and a half million people to understand in 24 hours that antibiotics are not for viruses or that, if you have a cold, you cannot demand antibiotics from the doctor. If you tell this in a normal tone of voice, it is super boring, but if you manage to do it correctly and in an entertaining way, you get the public to understand it ”, he highlights.

Intention to document your residence in videos

There are practitioners who believe that the use of informing regarding Medicine throught social media dirty the image of health professionals, but Filgueira does not see it that way, because he believes that they are tools that can “really” teach what the life of a doctor is like.

Despite his interest in content creation, Filgueira I don’t know how this relationship will evolve between social networks and Medicine in the future. What is clear to him is that, if he has time, he would like to be able to Document the entire process of your MIR stage and upload it to the networks.

“I know that these are difficult years because they are stages in which absolutely everything changes. The pace of life and the demands of the first few years are very rough, but once more, it’s something I want to teach. I want people who are studying Medicine to see what it is to do residency, what it entails, its good and bad things, and to be able to see it from my point of view ”, he concludes.

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Daniel Filgueira details his intention to document his MIR on social networks.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend to the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a health professional.



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