Network of Intellectuals rejects coup attempt in Bolivia

The Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity expressed its concern regarding the new Coup attempt en Bolivia , calling to “not be confused” regarding who the true enemies are, which is why he calls for the unity of the revolutionary forces by appealing to “historical consciousness.”

In a statement published on its website, the group states that “The events that have recently occurred in Bolivia call us to raise our voices in favor of our American unity, as fundamental as it is difficult to consolidate.”

Likewise, they express “concern regarding a new coup attempt in Latin America, which brings to mind the worst of the dictatorships of the 20th century, as well as all the recent attempts, completed and failed, to destabilize the region through of soft blows, parliamentary blows, lawfare and all the new ways implemented to break the democratic processes that have cost our people so much effort to build.”

In the text, they point out that “the real enemies of our processes are willing to take advantage in complex situations and will enlist once morest us in the face of any sign of instability. That is why a political-strategic and historically conscious perspective must prevail in our leadership and not confuse us regarding who the enemy is and where it is.”

For this reason, they maintain that “responsibility lies in considering the impact that each and every national event has on the region, so everything that puts democratic and social justice advances at risk at the same time hits hard. the spaces of regional unity that we have fought so hard for, as well as in other social processes of transformation that the people of Latin America and the Caribbean pursue.”

They warn that we cannot “forget for a moment that the riches of our territories and the possibility of their fair redistribution depend on the leadership of the state being held by those who are committed to the transformations. “Those who instigate destabilizing events are precisely those who seek to strip people of their natural resources.”

In that sense, they strongly reject “any attempted coup d’état as well as any action that seeks to destabilize democracy and overthrow by alternative means the governments elected by the people in the exercise of self-determination. In the same way that we reject any action that seeks to discredit and stigmatize popular leaders.”

They make an urgent call to defend the unity of all the revolutionary forces of Bolivia, to the líderIt is already the social movements and they remember that Commander Hugo Chávez said “I pay tribute to Ayacucho, to the union: only the union gave us the strength then to break the chains of the 300-year empire” (Hugo Chávez, 2005).

Finally, the statement from the Network of Intellectuals in Defense of Humanity points out that “in commemoration of the bicentennial cycle with the Battle of Ayacucho and the Battle of Junín, it calls us with more force to vindicate the legacy of our heroes, heroes and heroines who gave it all for freedom, which we have the historical duty to consolidate, and that will only be possible in unity.”

#Network #Intellectuals #rejects #coup #attempt #Bolivia
2024-07-06 09:06:14



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