Netflix will NO longer be shareable; what already charges per extra user

Midtime Editorial

Mexico City / 26.04.2022 16:21:00


Las drastic measures of Netflix to save the company from the loss of subscribers have begun to get going and the time is coming to an end when their users might share their password with friends and family without consequences. A punishment that began to be applied in Latin America and will soon travel around the world.

According to one study, Netflix has more than 200 million subscribers in the world, but in more than 100 million homes you enter the streaming platform with a shared passwordso the company has decided start charging to eliminate this practice.

How much will Netflix charge for account sharing?

Payment has started in Costa Rica, Chile and Peruwhere subscribers who share their password must pay a extra amount per user outside the home in which the account is usually used.

On the Standard and Premium plans, subscribers will be able to add up to two subaccounts with people who live outside their home and they will have your own login, recommendations and the possibility of creating profiles on Netflix.

This is the cost per additional member that has been applied to Latin American countries:

  • Costa Rica: 2.99 dollars (61 Mexican pesos)
  • Chile: 2,380 Chilean pesos (58 Mexican pesos)
  • Peru: 7.9 Peruvian soles (43 Mexican pesos)

Payment in Mexico by shared Netflix account

So making an approximation, in Mexico the cost per additional user it would be between 50 and 60 pesosHowever, it is not yet known when this measure will begin to be applied in our country.

if you have a sisterLet’s say you live in a different city, and you want to share netflix with her, That’s great. We are not trying to close that exchange, but we are going to ask you to pay a little more to be able to share with her and for you to get the benefit and value of the service, but we also get the revenue associated with that viewing,” said Greg Peters, Netflix’s chief operating officer.

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