Netanyahu: Lapid shamefully surrendered to Nasrallah’s threats

Netanyahu: "Lapid shamefully surrendered to threats Hassan NasrallahAnd it gives Hezbollah a sovereign area belonging to Israel with a huge gas field that belongs to you, the citizens of Israel, and it does this without a session in Knesset or a referendum".

He added, in a tweet he posted on his official Twitter account "Lapid Not authorized to give an enemy country sovereign space and sovereign property that belongs to all of us, and if this illegal trick is passed it will not be binding on us".

flower Israeli Defense MinisterBenny GantzNetanyahu also tweeted, in which he said: " Bibi, don’t bother me…only irresponsible political considerations lead you. We will continue to pay attention to the political, security and economic interests of the state Israel in a responsible manner".

This statement by Netanyahu came shortly after the statements of Yair Lapid, in which he said that Tel Aviv does not mind developing Lebanese gas field additional, in return for obtaining its financial share from it.

Lapid pointed out, at the opening of the weekly session of the Israeli government on the agreement on sea ​​border with Lebanonuntil his government is conducting a final review of the agreement with Lebanon from a legal point of view, provided that the agreement is presented after that.

pointed Israeli Prime Ministerat the beginning of the weekly government session, that the terms of the agreement preserve Israel’s interests, and will enhance its security and economy.

Lapid said, "We are deliberating on the last details. It cannot be said that a final agreement has been reached, but as we have requested since the first day, the agreement preserves all security interests as well as economic interests.".

Lapid added that this agreement will enhance Israel’s security and economy, and said that the development of a Lebanese gas field will weaken the Lebanese connection with Iran and will lead to restrictions Hizb allah It leads to stability in the region.


And he said NetanyahuLapid surrendered shamefully to threats Hassan NasrallahAnd it gives Hezbollah a sovereign area belonging to Israel with a huge gas field that belongs to you, the citizens of Israel, and it does this without a session in Knesset or a public referendum.

He added, in a tweet posted on his official Twitter account:Lapid It is not authorized to give an enemy country sovereign space and sovereign property that belongs to all of us, and if this illegal trick is passed, it will not be binding on us.”

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flower Israeli Defense MinisterBenny GantzNetanyahu also tweeted, “Bibi, don’t bother me… only irresponsible political considerations lead you. We will continue to take care of the political, security and economic interests of a state.” Israel in a responsible manner.”

This statement by Netanyahu came shortly after the statements of Yair Lapid, in which he said that Tel Aviv does not mind developing Lebanese gas field additional, in return for obtaining its financial share from it.

Lapid pointed out, at the opening of the weekly session of the Israeli government on the agreement on sea ​​border with Lebanonuntil his government is conducting a final review of the agreement with Lebanon from a legal point of view, provided that the agreement is presented after that.

pointed Israeli Prime Ministerat the beginning of the weekly government session, that the terms of the agreement preserve Israel’s interests, and will enhance its security and economy.

“We are deliberating on the last details,” Lapid said. “It cannot be said that a final agreement has been reached, but as we have requested since the first day, the agreement preserves all security interests as well as economic interests.”

Lapid added that this agreement will enhance Israel’s security and economy, and said that the development of a Lebanese gas field will weaken the Lebanese connection with Iran and will lead to restrictions Hizb allah It leads to stability in the region.

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