NEOS: The SPÖ must quickly clarify what it stands for

2023-06-03 15:52:04

Hoyos: “Doskozil now has the task of returning the party to a constructive opposition course.”

Vienna (OTS) “Hopefully we can now devote ourselves to policy in Austria once more – there are truly more urgent issues to discuss than the sensitivities of a party,” said NEOS Secretary General Douglas Hoyos following today’s SPÖ party conference.

NEOS congratulate Hans Peter Doskozil on the election as the new party leader. However, the narrow result shows that the SPÖ is divided, according to Hoyos. “Doskozil has the task of quickly clarifying what the SPÖ stands for. Ultimately, the Social Democrats only stood for strife, chaos and a destructive fundamental opposition, which is otherwise only practiced by the FPÖ – and for a foreign policy line that is to be feared. If the SPÖ wants to become a reliable political competitor once more, it must say goodbye once and for all to its more than questionable line on European issues and finally be able to clearly and unequivocally distance itself from the Russian aggressor Putin. You can and should discuss and argue regarding many things in politics – but a clear yes to a common Europe and an unequivocal no to warmongers are non-negotiable.”

The Doskozil nationalization model in Burgenland will not bring Austria forward

The Austrians are particularly excited regarding the answers of the new SPÖ boss to the enormous economic challenges. “In any case, the model of Doskozil nationalizations in Burgenland will not bring Austria forward,” says Hoyos.

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#NEOS #SPÖ #quickly #clarify #stands



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