NEOS: “Pension revolution” instead of “stealing the future” of the next generations

2023-07-23 10:59:04

Loacker: “If you don’t think ahead, you’re gambling away the young people’s pensions.”

Vienna (OTS) NEOS social spokesman Gerald Loacker is extremely skeptical regarding the SPÖ proposal for a “protection clause” for pensions in 2024 and 2025, i.e. an additional increase: “Pensions, like pension accounts, have been increased far above inflation in recent years – in contrast to most salaries. As a result, almost a third of government revenue now flows into the pension system – and the budget gap is getting bigger and bigger. We NEOS want equal rights for everyone – not just for ‘our people’. And that means decent pensions for the young too.”

Loacker countered the accusation by the SPÖ leader Babeler that there would be a “pension robbery”: “Anyone who does not think ahead is guilty of a massive robbery of future generations. In Austria, the minimum pensions are higher than the average pensions in Germany. Securing the level for the future requires a healthy balance between the interests of pensioners on the one hand and those who pay contributions on the other.”

The NEOS social spokesman is once more calling for a “pension revolution”, which should turn the completely ailing pension system inside out and make it more robust for the coming years, for example through the possibility of a share pension, which will be established alongside the pay-as-you-go system, i.e. a strengthening of company pensions in the second pillar.

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