NEOS: Lower Austria and Salzburg show that ÖVP is open to Kickl-FPÖ | NEOS

2023-07-15 08:04:06

Hoyos: “The ÖVP should rather work credibly for progress in Austria instead of blustering once morest the FPÖ.”

Vienna (OTS) – “The ÖVP’s embarrassing spectacle of not wanting to form a coalition with the Kickl-FPÖ is one thing above all: unbelievable.” This is how NEOS Secretary General Douglas Hoyos comments on the appointed round of ÖVP ministers who in have been sent out in the past few days to emphasize their aversion to working with the Kickl-FPÖ.

Hoyos recalls the ÖVP-FPÖ coalitions that were forged in Lower Austria and Salzburg this year. In both cases, the aversion to a blue government partner was reminiscent of the statements “that the spindoctors have now prescribed for the ÖVP representatives as language rules,” said the NEOS Secretary General.

“Mikl-Leitner decided to rule out working with Udo Landbauer even following the song book affair. Wilfried Haslauer literally said that his current government partner and deputy as state governor Marlene Svazek has ‘Kickl in his luggage’,” Hoyos lists the statements of those ÖVP state governors who, despite all protestations before the election, are now in coalition with the Kickl-FPÖ.

According to Hoyos, the ÖVP should stop its summer drama and instead finally take care of the pressing challenges. This summer will also pass once more without the ÖVP-led federal government making any progress in reducing bureaucracy in schools, relieving employers and employees or on questions of transparency in Austria.

In any case, the NEOS Secretary General is certain that the ÖVP’s transparent election campaign will fail in its purpose, because: “Anyone who lies once is not to be trusted.”

Questions & contact:

NEOS – The New Austria
Julian Steiner
+43 664 88782 402
[email protected]

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