NEOS: Last chance to depoliticize ORF

2023-07-12 14:06:23

Arlamovsky: “Let’s use the defeat of the ÖVP and the Greens in the vote, let’s incorporate the necessary reforms.”

Vienna (OTS) – NEOS Federal Councilor Karl-Arthur Arlamovsky sees the defeat of the ÖVP and the Greens in today’s Federal Council meeting as the “last chance for an ORF free of party political influence”, which is now delaying the entry into force of the ORF law. “ÖVP and Greens have to go back to square one, revise the already messed-up ORF law and incorporate the necessary reforms – for a free, independent, depoliticized ORF.”

It is clear that in times of disinformation and fake news, modern, public broadcasting with a clear public value mandate is needed. “But instead of creating the necessary framework with the new law, the ÖVP and the Greens left the most important questions unanswered: What does public law stand for in 2023? What are his core tasks?” says Arlamovsky.

“The new law neither attacks the state tax, with which the state governors line their pockets, nor does it prevent political intervention in reporting and when appointments are made. That’s not media politics, that’s planting, which will cost people dearly with the new household levy. There is no way around a depoliticization and committee reform of the ORF. Let’s use the delay, let’s give people the ORF they deserve,” concludes Arlamovsky.

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