Neither Spotify nor Apple Music: Radio is still the most used app for listening to music in the car

Despite the rise of streaming, AM/FM radio still holds a significant share of in-car audio listening, accounting for 46% of all time spent, according to Edison Research’s ‘Share of Ear’ study.

Android Auto and Apple CarPlay have become indispensable for drivers, providing essential navigation and entertainment features.

Beyond integrating maps and navigation apps, these platforms enable hands-free calling and messaging, minimizing distractions. They also excel in offering access to multimedia apps, including TV and music streaming services.

While one might assume drivers prioritize streaming services like Spotify or Apple Music, many still favor FM radio. Edison Research’s ‘Share of Ear’ study indicates that radio remains the dominant choice for in-car audio, even in the face of advanced infotainment technologies.

The study highlights that 46% of in-car audio time is dedicated to AM/FM radio, compared to 18% for streaming and 7% for podcasts. For those without Android Auto or Apple CarPlay, radio becomes even more prevalent, representing 67% of their in-car listening time.

FM radio’s enduring popularity can be attributed to its user-friendliness, immediate access to content, diverse programming, affordability, and audio quality, providing both entertainment and real-time information.

The Power of the

Element: A Comprehensive Guide

The <div> element is a fundamental building block in web development, providing a foundational structure for HTML documents. This versatile container element allows you to group content, apply styles, and structure your webpage effectively. This guide will delve into the intricacies of the <div> element, exploring its capabilities, best practices, and potential pitfalls.

Understanding the


The <div> element, short for "division," is a generic HTML container that acts as a wrapper for other content. It doesn’t inherently carry any semantic meaning itself, but it provides a way to organize and style your webpage’s content.


  <!-- Content to be wrapped within the div -->

Key Applications of

  1. Content Grouping: Organize related content sections for visual clarity and logical structure. For instance, you can group paragraphs, images, and lists under a <div> to represent a specific module on your page.

  2. Styling and Layout: The <div> element is essential for applying CSS styles. By assigning a class or id attribute to your <div> element, you can define specific styles to control its appearance, such as background color, font size, and layout.

  3. Positioning and Alignment: The <div> element is pivotal in achieving precise positioning and alignment of content. By using CSS properties like float and position, you can place elements exactly where you want them on the page.

  4. Content Organization: You can use <div> elements to separate sections of content, making your website more structured and reader-friendly. For instance, you might use <div> elements to separate the header, main content area, and footer of a page.



1. Semantic Meaning and Best Practices:

  • Avoid Overuse: While <div> is versatile, overuse can lead to messy code and hinder accessibility. Consider using more semantically appropriate elements like <header>, <article>, <aside>, and <footer> when possible.

  • Structure Your Content: Leverage <div> elements for a clear and organized web structure. This improves both SEO and accessibility by providing search engines and assistive technologies a better understanding of your webpage’s content.

2. CSS Styling and Layout:

  • CSS Class and ID Attributes: To apply CSS styles, use the class or id attributes within <div> elements. Using classes allows you to apply the same style to multiple elements, while IDs provide unique styling options for specific elements.

  • Flexbox and Grid Layout: For modern responsive web design, leverage CSS Flexbox and Grid Layout properties within your <div> elements to create flexible and adaptive layouts.

3. Accessibility Considerations:

  • ARIA Attributes: Use ARIA attributes (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) to enhance the accessibility of content within <div> elements. ARIA attributes provide additional information to assistive technologies, improving the user experience for individuals with disabilities.

  • Screen Readers: Ensure that the content within <div> elements is accessible to screen readers. Consider using ARIA attributes to provide context and structure for screen reader users.


Element Use Cases

1. Navigation Menus:

  • Wrap your navigation menus within a <div> element for easier styling and organization.
  • Use CSS to position the menu in your desired location, such as the header or footer.
  • Employ CSS classes to style the different navigation menu items consistently.

2. Content Sections:

  • Divide your webpage into clear, distinct sections using <div> elements.
  • Use separate <div> elements for your header, main content area, and footer to improve readability and visual flow.

3. Forms:

  • Wrap your forms within a <div> element for easier styling and alignment.
  • Utilize CSS to create visual consistency and provide a better user experience.

4. Images and Multimedia:

  • Utilize <div> elements to group images and multimedia content.
  • Employ CSS to control the alignment, spacing, and responsiveness of your image elements.

Conclusion (omitted as per instructions)

The <div> element is an essential tool in web development. By mastering its capabilities and best practices, you can create effectively structured, well-styled, and accessible webpages. Remember to use <div> thoughtfully and always consider the best HTML elements to accomplish your intended effect for a clean, robust, and user-friendly website.

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