Neighbors with positive cases, don’t panic Opening windows for ventilation will reduce the risk of aerosol transmission – yqqlm

Source title: Neighbors have positive cases, don’t panic, open windows for ventilation, it will reduce the risk of aerosol transmission

The “Notice on Further Optimizing and Implementing the Prevention and Control Measures for the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic” issued by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council yesterday (7th) clearly states that asymptomatic infected persons and mild cases who are eligible for home isolation are generally subject to home isolation. Some citizens are therefore worried about whether they are at risk if there are positive cases among their neighbors; in this regard, Li Tong, chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Beijing You’an Hospital, once said that they should not panic when encountering such situations, they must report to the community in time, and do a good job. Keep your home environment clean and disinfected.

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Li Tong once introduced that if there are positive cases of the new crown virus among the neighbors in the same building, first of all, don’t panic and wait patiently at home for the notification from the relevant departments or the community. Be careful not to go out during this period, and carefully recall whether you have had contact with confirmed cases. If you confirm that you have been in contact with a confirmed case, you should report to the community in a timely manner. Do not go out until notified by the relevant departments or the community.

In addition, the room at home should be kept clean and tidy, and ventilated frequently. Physical disinfection is the first choice for disinfection, and methods such as exposure of clothes and quilts to the sun, boiling of tableware, and natural ventilation are optional. For items brought into the home from outside, chemical disinfection can be carried out. The outer packaging can be wiped or sprayed with a low-concentration disinfectant, and the contents of the packaging can be placed in a ventilated place for 30 minutes before processing.familyIf other items in the room are disinfected with disinfectant, remember to wipe them with clean water after 30 minutes of action time before use.

“Taking the same elevator with a virus carrier, or taking an elevator that a positive case has taken, there is also a risk of infection.” Li Tong once said that if a positive case is found among neighbors in the same unit building, it is recommended to suspend the use of elevators. If a positive case is found among neighbors in other units in the same community, you must wear a mask when taking the elevator, use paper towels or disposable gloves when pressing the elevator button, and do not touch your mouth, nose, eyes and other parts with your hands.

Does opening windows for ventilation increase the risk of virus influx? Li Tong once said that most of the buildings in the community are relatively spaced and the space is relatively open. Even if there are high-risk points in the community, opening windows for ventilation will reduce the risk of aerosol transmission. Opening windows for ventilation allows the virus to be diluted by the air, reducing the risk of infection. Infection between neighbors mainly occurs on the same floor or in places with poor air circulation such as elevators. When an infected person talks or coughs, the aerosol stays in the air for a long time, which is easy to cause infection. In addition, aerosol transmission has also occurred in the upper and lower water pipes or smoke exhaust pipes, but the probability is very small.

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