Neighbors turned the life of the sick Gubin into hell

The singer seriously thought about moving to rented housing.

Andrey Gubin. Photo: Global Look Press

Andrei Gubin For many years he has been suffering from a mysterious illness, the nature of which no one can really explain. And each introduction into his private life is painful.

He left the stage a long time ago and exists on the royalties from his old songs. For some time he lived in Thailand and Egypt, but at some point he decided to return to Moscow and even started working at the studio. However, he was never able to complete it.

Andrey Gubin. Freeze frame from the show “Enough Rumors!” / TVC channel

His neighbors made the artist’s life a real nightmare. desperate Gubin he is even ready to move out of his four-room apartment and rent a one-room apartment, just not to see them.

“Every day there is some kind of abomination. My apartment is good, but noisy. Neighbors sing in terrible voices, and you sit and listen to it. I hate it! – 47-year-old Andrey was indignant Gubin on the show of the TVC channel “Enough rumors!”.

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