Neighbors to the school and others can safely open the windows and wipe away the soot

On Tuesday, Aalborg Municipality has subsequently been in contact with the Agency for Patient Safety, which has looked at the samples.

– Asbestos has only been found inside the school grounds and a small area in the car park at Vangen. Therefore, residents in the area can safely wipe garden furniture, tools and other things off with soapy water and a cloth. Should there be large pieces of waste from the fire, it can go in the bin with residual waste, says municipal director in Aalborg Municipality, Tommy Christiansen.

He says that institutions and other things in the area that have been closed since the fire will reopen on Wednesday morning.

Even if it were to wind, there is no risk of asbestos or anything else blowing from the fire site around the area.

– Large amounts of water were used for extinguishing, so the wind cannot move some of the dangerous substances, says the municipal director.

– So you can safely open the windows and wipe the soot away. It is not dangerous, he assures.

Wait with things from the garden

According to Tommy Christiansen, there is only one outstanding thing that people should be aware of, namely vegetables and other edible things from gardens and allotments in the area.

– We are waiting for a report from the Danish Food and Food Administration on whether it is safe to eat things from gardens and allotments, or whether people must take special precautions. We expect to receive that message on Wednesday before noon, he says.

The area outside the school grounds where asbestos remains have been found – i.e. in the car park at Vangen – is cordoned off and the municipality will clean it up as soon as possible, says the municipal manager.

– There may be asbestos residues within the area that is cordoned off, so you have to stay away, but outside there is no risk, he says.

2024-07-02 15:33:14
#Neighbors #school #safely #open #windows #wipe #soot

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