The residents of Beacon Street, in Lowell, do not leave their astonishment following learning regarding the case ofe murder suicide that occurred on christmas daybetween a Hispanic married couple.
“I am surprised because for the two years that I have been here, it is very calm. Lowell is very quiet,” said Marco Roldán, a Lowell resident.
According to the police, an alert call at regarding 1:38 in the followingnoon, on December 25, sent emergency teams running.
“Preliminary investigation suggests that a man, identified as 60-year-old Jose Santiago, shot his wife, Rosa Santiago, 55, before committing suicide,” read preliminary information released by Lowell police.
“Those are bad things, things that I do not agree with,” said Héctor Familia, another resident of the sector.
According to an investigation that was confirmed by the Medical Examiner’s office, the events occurred at a residence on Beacon Street, leaving residents in disbelief.
“It is very unfortunate so, people have to seek a little more from God,” said resident Paola de las Rosas. “When they feel abused, they should seek help, because there is help for victims of domestic violence.”