Neighbors burn waste! Where to complain?

Aja Jalinska, head of the public relations department of the State Environmental Service:

– Burning waste is strictly prohibited, as this causes significant harm to the environment and human health.

When plastic and various other products containing petroleum products (including oils, tires, etc.) are burned, large amounts of CO2, particulate matter, sulfur and nitrogen oxides, as well as various toxic, including carcinogenic, substances are released into the air. All this seriously pollutes the air.

Sulfur and nitrogen oxides form acids in the atmosphere, which then return to the earth’s surface in the form of acid precipitation. As a result, harmful substances enter the soil and water and accumulate in living organisms, causing a number of adverse consequences. These very stable compounds can persist in the environment for many years, even decades, before their degradation process is complete.

It is also prohibited to burn not only plastic products and various household waste, but also processed wood and furniture waste.

The management of household waste is controlled by the structures of the relevant local government, therefore, if there is an illegal disposal of this waste by a private person (as, for example, in this case, when neighbors burn household waste), it is necessary to report this to the municipal police of your local government. And this applies not only to burning household waste on the site (that is, in the open air): burning in a fireplace or heating boiler is also a violation.

Improper waste management, including incineration, is an administratively punishable act for which appropriate punishment is provided. For an individual this is a fine of up to 1,000 euros, and for a legal entity – up to 2,800 euros.

The State Environmental Protection Service reminds that any waste – both domestic and industrial (and especially hazardous) – must be transferred to a merchant who has the appropriate permit for the disposal of said waste.

If you suspect improper disposal, please call 26338800.

#Neighbors #burn #waste #complain
2024-05-09 05:57:37



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