Nehammer: Start the construction offensive before the summer

“The goal is for us to have all legislative resolutions in place by the summer so that the offensive can start before the summer,” said Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) in an APA interview. Nehammer rejected the idea that such a housing offensive might contradict the goal of drastically reducing land consumption.

The package worth over two billion is intended to create around 10,000 homes and an additional 10,000 rental apartments, and 5,000 properties are to be renovated and put back on the market. In some cases, the government needs a two-thirds majority for the planned laws, and Nehammer is hoping for the SPÖ, as there have been signals that “the willingness there is high” to support the projects.

Even more land use?

The Chancellor doesn’t fear a setback when it comes to soil sealing: “Many of the projects are already so dedicated, it’s more regarding giving the impetus now that they are actually built.” Nehammer was convinced that “it will work out, on the one hand with the issue of soil sealing, and above all with the big goal of making it more affordable” because there are more apartments on the market.

The construction offensive was expected to be part of a new work program for the remaining months of the coalition until the regular National Council election date in the fall. As Nehammer explained, no extra program is necessary; rather, what is already there must be implemented. “As a government team, we have always said that we still have a lot to do, that we want to conduct government business on behalf of the voters until September,” and the goal is to actually “actually focus on” those areas that have already been decided “To bring ground,” Nehammer referred to the expansion of kindergartens or the health care reform.

The Chancellor also mentioned the issue of security. The new security strategy, which is still pending, “is almost finished,” assured Nehammer. “The part from the Ministry of Energy is still missing, the Ministry of Energy is working on it.” It is important to have an “overall concept” that is “coherent,” “that is also realistic, that can be implemented.”

No comment on short procedures

Nehammer does not believe that the conviction of ex-ÖVP boss and chancellor Sebastian Kurz for making false statements in the U-committee will harm the ÖVP in the election campaign: “No. Above all, it is not a final judgment, it still exists a court hearing, so at the moment it is not a legally binding judgment.”

ÖVP General Secretary Christian Stocker recently took aim at the judge in the short trial because he did not make public a disciplinary penalty from another, earlier procedure as a public prosecutor. Regarding the question of whether it would damage the reputation of the judiciary if the Chancellor’s party attacked a judge, Nehammer replied: “There is a clear division of roles between the Secretary General and me. As Chancellor, I respect the separation of powers, and the independence of the courts is a fact “It’s a great asset,” he emphasized. “I therefore do not comment on ongoing proceedings myself.” Stocker is “not only the general secretary of the People’s Party, but also a lawyer,” said Nehammer, “he gave his assessment of what was reported in the media, and in my view that was legitimate.”

When asked whether he would like to claim the chancellorship following the election, regardless of where the ÖVP ends up, Nehammer said: “We have the election in September, then it depends on how the voters distribute the mandate.” Only then can one see “which majorities will emerge and, as a result, possible coalitions will be formed,” he explained. “Yes, I claim to be able to continue to represent this country as Federal Chancellor. That is my offer to the voters, through the way I have demonstrated as Federal Chancellor over the last two and a half years, for the country.” He is ready to “take on this responsibility, but the voters have to give me the task.” It is “not a question of one, two or three”, but you need a stable majority in parliament, and finding this is actually the task.

In any case, Nehammer has repeatedly ruled out making FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl chancellor. Nehammer left it open as to whether the ÖVP would elect Kickl as National Council President if this were to happen, pointing out that this was speculation. We will see how the campaign and the election develop. Only then will it be serious to talk regarding what majorities there are and which of the people currently acting still bear responsibility in the parties. “All of this isn’t set in stone yet.”


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