Negotiation: two families tried to settle their dispute that had lasted for half a year in the public areas of Szombathely

A long feud between two families, which lasted for almost half a year, caused alarm on several occasions in Szombathely, because the families tried to settle their problems not within four walls, but in different public areas of the city. In public opinion, what happened last year at the May Day in Szombathely became the topic of conversation – a preparatory meeting was held in this case on Tuesday morning in the same place – and the events of March last year were the prelude to the afternoon negotiations.

– Although the cases are closely related, we still discuss them separately – pointed out Dr. Judge Andrea Sipos at the third-degree hearing held on Tuesday afternoon, which was held at the Szombathely court as part of the criminal proceedings against the first-rate defendant with the monogram F. A and his five companions.

At the trial, the prosecutor first presented the accusation that the basis of the crimes was a long-lasting angry relationship between the first-rate defendant and the victim of the case. The conflict escalated again in March 2023, when the victim sent a video message from the courtyard of the Markusovszky Hospital to the first-rate defendant, who soon appeared in the courtyard of the hospital with two companions. Fleeing from them, the victim pushed against the flagpole and information board at the emergency block. The first-rate defendant hit the car of the victim who was trying to escape with a wooden tool several times, and he and his companions acted threateningly towards him until finally he was able to escape from the yard with his car.

Proceedings were initiated against the other defendants due to a conflict that occurred at a nightclub the day before the hospital incident. In connection with this, the victim was also threatened several times in a video message, the conflict between some family members later escalated to violence, and they even tried to pay an external person HUF 500,000 to beat the victim. they headed towards it, however, the victim learned about the plans of the accused from the requested person in the meantime, and they were waiting for them in the yard after notifying the police. By the time the police arrived, the accused had disappeared from the scene. After the event, the feud between the two families did not subside, it culminated again at the 2023 May Day in Szombathely.

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The defendants appeared before the court as perpetrators and accomplices for the crime of disorder committed as a group, harassment committed continuously with the threat of violence against a person, preparation for serious bodily harm, and the crime against traffic safety.

At the trial, the defendants admitted their guilt, so the court sentenced the first and second defendants to 6 months in prison (from which they can be released after 3 months at the earliest) and a one-year ban from public affairs. The third defendant suffers from mental problems, his case was heard separately, he was sentenced to 4 months in prison and ordered to serve two suspended prison terms. The fourth defendant was sentenced to 30 days in prison, the fifth defendant was ordered to pay 150 daily fines (HUF 1,000 per day). The first defendant and his lawyer are appealing the verdict, the others accepted it, so their sentences became final.

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