Neglected Prisoner: The Urgent Medical Needs of Alexander Rodríguez Ignored in CONAS Detention

2023-06-30 22:34:47

The relatives of Alexander Rodríguez, detained in Conas in the lower area of ​​Trujillo state, denounce that the prisoner needs medical attention and was discharged from the hospital despite being delicate.

They indicate that in the Pedro Emilio Carrillo de Valera hospital, he was confined for several days due to having a fracture in his right femur and that it has also been complicated by chronic osteomyelitis and has bacteria in the wound.

This situation has meant that in less than 8 months that he has been imprisoned, his health has weakened and he has already lost the mobility of his leg.

The relatives assure that doctor Víctor Gallo authorized a surgical intervention that was carried out by some resident doctors, at which time he was infected with a battery.

The relatives assure that he was confined in the hospital for several days and they did not give him the treatment and they also gave him a medical discharge and in CONAS there is no one to attend to him and give him the treatment he deserves.

The relatives of Alexander Rodríguez request the intervention of the authorities in this case, demanding that his human rights be respected.


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