RESIDENTS of Pagerwangi Village, Lembang District, West Bandung Regency are raising funds to repair damaged roads. This is the last step for residents who are annoyed because the government is slow to respond to residents’ complaints, even though the condition of Bukanagara Road is getting worse.
The head of the local RW, Rizki Fauzi, explained that the joint funds came from residents of RW 01 Pagerwangi Village. The damaged road is the main access and alternative route for tourists to and from Bandung City.
“The length of the badly damaged road is around 370 meters. It had previously been paved but it didn’t last long because it was eroded by rainwater,” said Rizki, Wednesday (20/3).
Based on residents’ studies, the budget needed to repair Bukanagara Road reaches IDR 225 million because concrete is used to make it more durable. But the self-help funds collected were only around IDR 80 million.
“Funds came from residents, BIB agencies, Hotel Radiant, and villa owners. The funds collected have not yet reached 50%, it looks like repairs will not be 100% complete,” he explained.
Because the budget is limited, continued Rizki, for the time being the focus of road repairs is only being carried out in the Pagerwangi Village area. Meanwhile, repairs in the Kayuambon Village area are waiting for financial donations from parties who care.
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Under these conditions, his party hopes that there will be someone who will be touched and willing to donate funds so that repairs to the 370 meter long road can be completed.
“Now just enough funds are needed, later during Eid the roads should be passable. Even if not all of them, at least the damage won’t be as serious as it is now because it endangers road users,” he said.
Previously, his party had gathered officials from two villages, community leaders, businessmen and agencies related to plans to raise funds for road repairs.
“Since yesterday (Tuesday) the road began to be concreted, the target is that in 14 days it will be dry and can be passed by vehicles. We are very grateful if there are parties who contribute so that road users will be comfortable when crossing,” he explained.
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