Ñeembucú: advance highway cleansing and restore works via inter-agency coordination

Asunción, IP Company.- After the floods that affected a number of cities in Ñeembucú, cleansing efforts proceed in numerous elements of the division, as a part of a joint effort between private and non-private establishments.

Operators and machines perform incessant work at numerous factors. Within the Las Hermanas pure channel, the Authorities’s amphibian is working to take away sediments and facilitate water runoff. There’s 90% progress on the work scheduled to finish the cleansing of the channel.

Within the Estero Cambá de San Juan there’s the Retro Pala Engineering Command machine finishing up cleansing duties within the space. Within the Itá Lagoon, the backhoe of the Yacyretá Binational Entity (EBY) carries out taipead work within the sector.

In Duarte Cue within the Tacuaras district, work has been intensified with the backhoe, the Authorities’s bulldozer and a motor grader from the MOPC, finishing up ditching, patching, putting pipe strains and loading the route.

In Potrero Pirú de Guazucuá, an agricultural tractor and a Public Works backhoe are working to wash the pure canal within the space.

Within the Yvera to Ybabiyu part, the patching and restoration of the highway is carried out with two graves from the Authorities and a shovel from the MOPC. In Los Laureles, Paso Pindo to Apipe part, there are two Public Works motor graders performing dipping, patching and profiling duties.

Within the Mbocajaty and San Isidro de Pilar neighborhoods, a Authorities bulldozer and an EBY backhoe perform cleansing work; whereas on the Lomas de Alberdi firm, a motor grader from the Authorities works on the upkeep and profiling of the highway.

Within the Paso Pucú channel (Riacho del Río Paraguay), the MOPC amphibian continues engaged on the removing of sediments and unclogging the water channel; whereas, in Montuoso, the Arm Largo backhoe of the Authorities carries out canal cleansing work.

#Ñeembucú #advance #highway #cleansing #restore #works #interagency #coordination
2024-06-05 03:47:46

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