Necessity Breeds Innovation: The Driving Force Behind Start-up Success

“Over the past 20 years, numerous young, successful companies have established themselves in Upper Austria. Challenges and problems that concern the economy today have been solved from the very beginning with unconventional working and organizational styles,” says Gerold Weisz, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Head of the Startup Center at the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences. Unfortunately, these approaches are still underestimated. Weisz will also speak about what the traditional economy can learn from these young companies at the OÖN event “Digital Days” and will demonstrate the paths to success using numerous examples.

“Young companies are so innovative because they have to be. Lack of staff or capital has to be compensated for by innovations,” says Weisz. A typical example is marketing via social media: “Start-ups have used this form to draw attention to themselves and become known without having to invest large sums of money.” Today, this form of marketing is common practice in most companies.

While home office only became an issue in many companies with the outbreak of the corona pandemic, young companies such as Tractive or Ligaportal have had the option of working from home or even from another country since they were founded: “It’s only the performance that counts, no matter where it is delivered.”

Interpreter between the worlds

The traditional economy can learn a lot from these companies: “The established companies do not act, but react to developments, also because the economy has worked well for so long. But there is no point in looking into the past. New ideas and concepts are needed. Companies have to get on their feet and find solutions.” Start-ups can help the established companies with this: “Companies like AIssistance from Kronstorf, for example, help to introduce artificial intelligence into companies and show possibilities, under the premise that no jobs will be lost as a result.” Weisz also sees himself as an interpreter between the two worlds: “You can learn a lot from each other. It’s about approaching each other without prejudice.”

Digital Days

Tickets for the OÖNachrichten Digital Days on 2 and 3 October in Linz and further information about the event and all speakers can be found on digitaldays.
There are exciting lectures and workshops, and there is also the opportunity to exchange ideas with representatives of well-known companies and to network.
With the OÖNcard you get a 25 percent discount: enter promo code OOENCARD_DD24 and save.
The Digital Days take place in the Promenaden Galerien in Linz.


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The Rise of Innovation: How Young ⁤Companies in Upper Austria are Revolutionizing the Economy

Over the past 20 years, Upper Austria‌ has witnessed the emergence of numerous young, successful companies that have established themselves as pioneers⁤ in ⁣innovation and entrepreneurship. These companies have ‌tackled challenges and problems that⁣ concern the ‌economy today with unconventional working and organizational styles, which are still largely underestimated‍ [[1]]. According to Gerold Weisz, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Head ‍of the Startup Center at the Upper ​Austria University of Applied Sciences, these young companies have been innovative out of necessity, compensating for lack of staff ​or capital by adopting⁣ new approaches.

One⁣ such approach ⁤is marketing via social media, which ‍has become a‍ common practice⁢ in most companies today. Weisz ⁢cites‌ the example of start-ups using social media to‍ gain⁣ attention and become known without having to invest large sums of money. Additionally, young companies such as Tractive or Ligaportal have been offering the option of working from home or even from another country since their inception, illustrating​ the importance of performance over physical⁤ location.

The Traditional‌ Economy Can Learn from Young Companies

Weisz believes that the traditional economy can ⁤learn a⁢ lot from these young companies. Established‌ companies⁢ tend​ to react to developments rather than taking proactive measures, which can hinder their growth and progress. On ‌the other hand, start-ups are more agile and adaptable, introducing new ideas and ⁣concepts that can​ help the traditional economy stay ahead ​of the curve. For ⁤instance, companies like AIssistance from Kronstorf can help introduce⁢ artificial intelligence into companies, demonstrating the possibilities of AI while ensuring that no jobs are lost as a‍ result.

The Role ‌of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria

As an internationally recognized institution, the ​University⁤ of Applied Sciences Upper Austria plays a crucial role in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in the region. With its practice-oriented education ⁢and‌ strong industry connections, the⁣ university offers students the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in today’s fast-paced business environment [[2]]. The university’s online ⁢application⁣ portal makes it easy‍ for students to apply⁣ and pursue their academic goals [[3]].

The OÖN Event “Digital Days”: A Platform for Innovation and Collaboration

The OÖN event “Digital Days” provides a platform ⁤for young companies, established companies, and industry experts to come ​together and share ​their experiences and knowledge. The event, which takes place on 2 and 3 October in⁤ Linz, offers exciting lectures, workshops, ​and networking opportunities. As an interpreter ⁢between the two worlds, Weisz believes that companies can learn a lot from each ⁢other, emphasizing the importance of approaching each other without ⁣prejudice.

the rise of innovation in Upper Austria is‌ a testament to the region’s entrepreneurial spirit and its commitment to fostering a​ culture of innovation and‌ collaboration. As the traditional economy continues to evolve, it ⁣is essential to recognize the value of young companies and the role ‍they play in driving growth and progress.


[1] University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria

[2] Study in Austria

[3] FH Upper Austria Online Application

Linzer institute of digital sciences austria idsa

Digital Transformation in Upper Austria: Learning from Young Companies

Over the past 20 years, numerous young and successful companies have established themselves in Upper Austria. These companies have solved challenges and problems that concern the economy today with unconventional working and organizational styles, according to Gerold Weisz, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Head of the Startup Center at the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences. Unfortunately, these approaches are still underestimated.

Innovative Solutions through Necessity

Young companies are innovative because they have to be. Lack of staff or capital has to be compensated for by innovations. A typical example is marketing via social media, which has become a common practice in most companies today. Start-ups have used this form to draw attention to themselves and become known without having to invest large sums of money.

Unconventional Working Styles

While home office only became an issue in many companies with the outbreak of the corona pandemic, young companies such as Tractive or Ligaportal have had the option of working from home or even from another country since they were founded. This approach emphasizes performance over location, where it’s only the performance that counts, no matter where it is delivered.

Learning from Each Other

The traditional economy can learn a lot from these young companies. Start-ups can help established companies by introducing new ideas and concepts, and by showing possibilities for innovation. Prof. Weisz sees himself as an interpreter between the two worlds, where companies can learn from each other without prejudice.

Digital Days: A Platform for Exchange and Learning

The OÖNachrichten Digital Days event provides a platform for exchange and learning between young companies and established ones. The event, which takes place on 2 and 3 October in Linz, features exciting lectures and workshops, and offers the opportunity to exchange ideas with representatives of well-known companies and to network. Tickets and further information about the event can be found on [1[1]. With the OÖNcard, attendees can get a 25 percent discount by entering the promo code OOENCARD_DD24.

Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences: A Hub for Digital Transformation

The Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences is actively involved in the field of digital transformation, as evident from the Focal Area Digital Transformation activities [2[2] [3[3]. The university’s involvement in events such as the Digital Days and the 6th International Digital Business Research Day 2023 demonstrates its commitment to promoting digital transformation in the region.

the economy can learn a lot from young companies in Upper Austria, and events like the Digital Days provide a valuable platform for exchange and learning. By embracing innovation and



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