Ndendé/ Delivery of agricultural tools
July 23, 20220
The period being favorable for field work, the deputy of the department of Dola has just traveled all her constituency for a contribution in agricultural equipment to the populations.
(Gabonews): During the severe health crisis, Covid 19 reduced movements inland.
The honorable deputy, Firmine Badjina Moudouma has criss-crossed regarding twenty villages of the Dola in order to deliver machetes, dabas and files to women and men practicing agriculture, which is the main activity in rural areas.
This support comes at a time that coincides with field work. “We thought it was good to strengthen their working tools” underlined the elected Dola, Firmine Badjina Moudouma, who is also a deputy sitting for the current Minister of Commerce, Yves Fernand Manfoumbi.
During the said tour, the populations did not hesitate to evoke the human-wildlife conflict, one of the problems which pushes the able-bodied to discouragement. In Moungola village, a farmer thanked the honorable for this help, but he explained the devastation of crops causes famine. In Doussala, the group leader, Ms. Moutsinga Boussamba did not hide her satisfaction in receiving this gift.
Responding to people regarding the conflict with animals, the MP urged communities to be more patient. Because, the tenants of the Léon Mba palace have recently called on the government to urgently find a solution that can relieve rural areas.