NBL Finals|Hong Kong Golden Bulls win the championship and create history. Jones scores 50 points in a single game and wins FMVP

NBL Finals|Hong Kong Golden Bulls win the championship and create history. Jones scores 50 points in a single game and wins FMVP

[Tilu News]The 2024 National Men’s Basketball League (NBL) playoffs will be held in Game 5 of the finals tonight (24th). The Hong Kong Golden Bulls scored 100:86 as a guest under the ace Dominique Jones (Dominique Jones) who scored 50 points. They defeated Anhui Wenyi and defeated their opponents 4:1 in total. The team won its first NBL championship in the second year after its establishment, and Jones was elected as the Finals Most Valuable Player (FMVP)!

The Hong Kong Golden Bulls continue to face the winning lineup of the last three games in this game, with Ronald. Ronald March, Yu Bolin, Dominique Jones, Sun Chenran and Liu Chuanxing served as starters. Zhu Songwei, who was injured in Game 1, returned from injury and was first on the reserve list.

NBL Finals|Hong Kong Golden Bulls win the championship and create history. Jones scores 50 points in a single game and wins FMVP

Jones (right) scored 50 points in this game and became the hero of the team’s championship.

Anhui Wenyi, who was on the verge of being eliminated, took the initiative as soon as the game started and launched an 8:2 offensive. However, the Hong Kong Golden Bulls also entered the game quickly and immediately responded with a 6:0 offensive to tie the game. Zhu Songwei entered the game in the middle, and immediately moved to score at the bottom of the basket. Together with Ma Qi’s two breakthroughs and 4 points in a row, the Hong Kong Golden Bulls took the lead 17:15 for the first time in this game. The Hong Kong Golden Bulls took advantage of the situation, and then launched a 10:3 offensive to widen the point difference. Jones showed his MVP worth in the first quarter of this game. He scored 19 points on 7 of 10 shots in a single quarter, leading the team to a 27:22 lead at the end of the first quarter.

In the second quarter, the home team counterattacked with a 7:2 offensive to tie the game. After that, the two sides played evenly, attacking and defending each other, and clenched the score. Zhu Songwei stepped forward at this time and scored two three-point goals. Together with a successful defense, the score suddenly opened by 6 points. Afterwards, Ma Qi hit a mid-range shot, and Sun Chenran scored on a fast break, widening the point difference to double digits. The Hong Kong Golden Bulls finally returned to the locker room with a 51:39 advantage.

Zhu Songwei (left) comes on as a backup.

Zhu Songwei (left) comes on as a backup.

After changing sides, Jones kicked off the game with a three-pointer. Anhui Wenyi has narrowed the point difference to single digits many times this quarter, and was only 7 points behind recently. However, Jones scored three-pointers at critical moments every time, including a buzzer-beating three-pointer before the third quarter, which not only helped the Hong Kong Golden Bulls open a 10-point gap again, but also boosted the morale of the entire team. Entering the final quarter, Jones and March each scored a three-pointer at the start, establishing the victory. The Hong Kong Golden Bulls maintained a double-digit distance from their opponents throughout the fourth quarter, and finally defeated their opponents 100:86. The Hong Kong Golden Bulls successfully defeated Anhui Wenyi 4:1 and won the team’s first NBL championship.

The Hong Kong Golden Bulls won the NBL championship for the first time in their second year.

The Hong Kong Golden Bulls won the NBL championship for the first time in their second year.

Jones scored 50 points in this game and was the team’s biggest contributor to the championship. He was selected as FMVP after the game and said happily: “Winning the playoff championship as a player is an unforgettable experience. I am very happy to help my teammates and the team win the championship and give everyone the opportunity to share the experience of winning the championship. Excitement and taste.” Head coach Xie Libin was selected as the best coach of this season’s NBL.

After winning the championship, Zhu Songwei felt very happy and happy. He said: “I also fought through injuries. I am proud of the coach and players for today’s victory. I thank the three foreign players for their hard work and running in with the team.”

As for Hong Kong player Rui-Yi Yang, he said: “I am very happy that the Hong Kong Golden Bulls can win their first championship. Thank you to the fans for their continuous support over the past two years, witnessing the rapid growth of the team over the past two years, and watching live broadcasts on major platforms to cheer us up.

Source: Provided by PR

This article was written bySportsroad“Originally published in”NBL Finals|Hong Kong Golden Bulls win the championship and create history. Jones scores 50 points in a single game and wins FMVP



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