NBA: The goodbye of a warrior, LeBron James says goodbye this season | Basketball 123

Harold Capote Fernandez

Just when the closing of the 2021/2022 season seemed like it couldn’t be more eventful for the Los Angeles Lakers, new news shakes the traditional cast, and that is that this Friday the superstar LeBron James announces the cessation of his actions in the current tournament.

This was announced through his account on the social network Twitter.

Also read: Manu Ginobili inducted into the NBA Hall of Fame

In a short message, “The King” states, “I’m officially out for the season. See you in the fall.”

Those few words quickly went viral on the little blue bird’s network, being a trend for several hours.

The capital detail of all this is that this April 1, in the United States the April Fools Day (April Fools’ Day), the gringo version of our April Fools’ Day.

So don’t worry LeBron and Lakers fans (laughs), this is a joke from the future Hall of Famer after all.


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