Navy: It’s only a matter of time before Turkey roughs up the “calm waters” in the Aegean again – 2024-07-29 01:10:59

Navy: It’s only a matter of time before Turkey roughs up the “calm waters” in the Aegean again
 – 2024-07-29 01:10:59

The beginning of the next chapter in the relations between Athens and Ankara is marked by what took place last Monday (15.07.2024) on the borders of the Kasos-Karpathos territorial waters, with Turkey returning for the first time after four years to “gunboat diplomacy” but also what followed with the provocative leaks of the Turkish Ministry of Defense and at the same time remind the crucial role played by the Navy.

Turkey is now making it clear in the most emphatic way that it is returning to on-the-ground contestation of our sovereign rights, seeking either tension or accomplished through the use of military means.

The research vessel may have returned to Crete, but it is chartered until the end of 2025 in order to complete cable-laying surveys in the wider sea area between Crete and Cyprus, an area which Turkey considers to be under its jurisdiction and joins in the illegal and invalid, according to Athens, Turkish-Libyan memorandum, while they even made sure to “mark” with their presence at its last border a “breath” from Kasos and Karpathos.

Athens announces that the investigations will continue and the energy connection project will proceed normally. But even if the Greek side shows a willingness to avoid any action, such as a new exit of the research vessel in international waters, which will be an occasion for the neighbors to return, it is considered possible that Ankara will take a similar initiative with a research vessel.

It is possible that yesterday’s presence of General Dimitrios Houpis at the Salamina Naval Station and in Amfiali together with Vice Admiral Dimitrios-Eleftherios Katara was planned, however the last warning to the Navy at the beginning of the week and the apparent change in tactics of the neighbors they gave a different character to the visit.

The Military Staff and of course the Navy are carefully studying the new data with the messages they receive showing that at any moment now the “calm waters” in the Aegean can become wild. After all, what the sources of the Ministry of National Defense said that “no respect will be shown by the Greek Armed Forces to the illegal actions of Turkey” show the direction of the political leadership and then it will be required again for the Fleet to go out to the Archipelago in order to project power and prevent accomplished.

According to information from, the pressure of the military and political leadership of the Ministry of National Defense towards the government and the Prime Minister himself to release funds with the aim of arming the Fleet has increased, as the latest developments vindicate those who argued that the In the coming years, Turkey will bet on naval supremacy in order to impose its claims on the field.

For the Navy it is now “must” to immediately close the modernization program of all four MEKO frigates in the best possible configuration and to activate the option, which as the French revealed, remains open for the acquisition of a 4th Belharra frigate. The acquisition of corvettes or additional new frigates, the modernization of the “PAPANICOLIS” class missiles and submarines and the acquisition of two more “214” type submarines are necessary programs, according to the Navy, in order for the Fleet to maintain a high deterrent capability.

Source: newsit

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