Navigation has resumed on the St. Lawrence Seaway

2023-10-31 00:04:35

Work did indeed resume at 7 a.m. Monday morning, at the St. Lawrence Seaway, following the agreement in principle that was reached in mediation on Sunday.

Furthermore, the approximately 360 workers who are members of five local sections of the Unifor union, in Quebec and Ontario, will vote Thursday evening on the agreement in principle that was reached in mediation. Federal mediation began Friday morning.

We are currently unaware of the content of the agreement in principle, with the parties preferring to keep the news for union members, as is usually the case in such circumstances.

Salary was the main point in dispute. And Unifor members voted 99% for the strike. This began on October 22, paralyzing transport on the seaway, from Montreal to Niagara.

The Unifor union, which is affiliated with the FTQ in Quebec, says it is happy with the outcome of the strike and the mediation. “I am very proud of the solidarity of our members throughout the Seaway, who mobilized to obtain better wages and better working conditions for all,” commented Daniel Cloutier, Quebec director of Unifor .

Unifor National President Lana Payne notes that this was the first strike in 55 years for her Seaway members.

The employer also says it is satisfied with the outcome of the labor dispute. “We have an agreement in hand that is fair for workers and ensures a strong and stable future for the Seaway. We know this strike has not been easy for anyone and appreciate the patience and cooperation of our binational maritime industry partners, shipowners, shippers, ports, local communities and all those who depend on this corridor of vital transportation on both sides of the Canada-U.S. border,” said Terence Bowles, President and CEO.

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