Navigating the Palestinian Challenge: Borel’s Impact and the EU’s Position at Spain’s Summit

of Dr. Anna Konstantinidou*

I am quoting one of my articles that I clearly refer to

Unfortunately, anti-Semitism has been reduced to a… movement

the participation of the states of our continent in Hitler’s paranoia… However, I do not claim the laurels of such a position, when on the one hand those who know History agree with this particular conclusion, on the other hand Mark Mazower in his book “Dark Continent – the European 20th Century”, agrees to the conclusion I already quoted….

Already in June, Spain is now moving in the direction of – and it is far from unseemly to be recorded – as extreme anti-Semitism, as the attempt to colonize Israel must be interpreted in the light that this policy on the part of the government will silence internal issues concerning the Catalans and the Basques.

Yesterday, a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation was convened in Madrid under the chairmanship of the country’s prime minister with the participation of their counterparts from Norway, Ireland, Slovenia (and of course Spain obeys). The meeting was attended by the High Representative for the EU’s Foreign Policy, Josep Borel.

Spain’s specific invitation, on the basis of the joint statement after the end of the meeting, aimed to emphasize the necessity of a Palestinian solution through the creation of two states, to condemn Israel’s attitude all these decades towards the (self-proclaimed) Palestinian people and to highlight the need for the Palestinian government to fulfill its duties in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Personally, if I did not know that the specific meeting was held in Spain with the participation of the representative of the EU Institution, I would consider that, especially with regard to the last part of the joint statement of the participating Ministries, it is a manifesto of the self-proclaimed Palestinians or representatives of Iran, of Turkey and Russia.

First, we must ask ourselves if the High Representative of the EU’s Foreign Policy, Mr. Josep Borrell, received the consent of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the EU member states to attend such a meeting as an official? This is one, and it even resonates in the dimension of a rhetorical question. Apparently, Mr. Josep Borrell has confused his institutional duties with his previous capacity as a politician of the Spanish government. But his participation in such a meeting exposes not only the European Institution, but the EU Member States themselves, since, as we understand, especially from the third part of the joint statement, it is not inappropriate to say that Spain is calling for an intifada against of Israel…

Also, what is felt and especially perceived, reading the Arab press as well (I quote a very clear article that despite the fact and reasonably, because of Iran and Turkey, the Arabs want to emphasize that the so-called Palestinian Issue is their own racial affair , however, as it becomes clear, the majority of Arab countries take Arab-Israeli relations very seriously.

What sense do we get both from the meeting organized yesterday in Spain and from the way representatives of the European Institution move:

1. The European Union not only does not function as a (unitary) Institution, but on the contrary its very structure is undermined by its appointed representatives, who all they owed and were obliged to do was and are to ensure the interests of the institutional environment her,

2. How Merkel-era Germany shaped EU foreign policy on the basis of German interests (both in terms of immigration policy because it wanted to boost its state’s national industry and in the way it dealt with Putin’s Russia, mainly regarding energy issues), at the moment we see something similar being repeated by Spain, regarding its attitude towards Israel, mainly exploiting its national official, Josep Borel, in the European Institution,

3. Just as Merkel’s Germany with its anti-European policy managed to consolidate Russian propaganda and (at the same time) Islamism in Western environments, so now Sanchez’s Spain is opening the backdoor of Iranism and, in fact, terrorism in the West environments. The joint statement did not even raise the suspicion of the role of Iran and the terrorist organizations it finances in the war that is raging on Israeli soil,

4. The European countries that participated in yesterday’s meeting in Spain, proved that the majority of them have strong ties with the Turkish state, while Slovenia is a country with (historical) minority issues, a country where a large part of its population joined Nazism. And apart from non-EU Norway, the rest of the countries, seeking to manage their ethno-racial issues, act as third country Trojan Horses in the EU Institution.

EU member states, especially regarding the attitude of Josep Borel who acted outside of his role, must intervene immediately. The Arab countries, for the most part, seem to be waiting for the American elections to make their decisions mainly regarding their attitude towards the government of Israel (in particular) and secondarily towards the State of Israel (in general), but the attitude of some European of countries, but mainly of their officials, what this proves in practice is that they are trying to create donees by November 5 for the Institution, which will be difficult to correct afterwards…

The axis of Norway (with the outgoing Jens Stoltenberg from NATO leadership) and Spain (with the outgoing High Commissioner for EU Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell) want and seek to build obstacles to Rutte (new NATO Secretary General) and Callas ( new High Representative of the EU’s Foreign Policy), because quite simply their conservative policy on issues and alliances with countries of the eastern periphery with which Norway and Spain have close relations, is expressed and very specific.

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#meeting #Spain #Palestinian #issue #Borels #role..



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