Navigating the Journey of Court Marathon Theater: L. Vilimienė’s Insightful Reflections on a Year and a Half of Silent Passion

True, at the press conference, all attention was paid to the 105th season of the theater and the upcoming premiere of the ballet “La strada”.

During the conference, questions were asked exclusively related to this premiere.

Meanwhile, to 15min the journalist’s requests to the general manager to give time for a short interview, both in the evening and immediately before the press conference, were answered negatively.

It is true that even several representatives of L. Vilimienė emphasized that in the near future the manager promises a separate meeting with the media, where she intends to answer all relevant and relevant questions.

However, during the conference 15min when the journalist asked how the manager intends to establish a relationship with the theater community, in which more than half of the members expressed dissatisfaction with the appointment of L. Vilimienė in a public petition a year and a half ago to lead the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre, the director herself answered very succinctly.

“In a working way. We just work. I have been working in the theater for the third day. Of course, the first tasks are familiarization tasks, interviews with the employees, which we will start”, – answered the new director of the theater briefly.

L. Vilimienė is not new to the National Opera and Ballet Theater – in 2002-2018, she was the then general director Gintautas Kėviš’s deputy for marketing.

Pauliaus Peleckis/BNS photo/Presentation of the new LNOBT season and the premiere of the ballet “La strada”

For the past six years, she led the Klaipėda State Musical Theatre.

in 2023 in February, L. Vilimienė won the competition for the general director of LNOBT, announced by the Ministry of Culture. Then this decision caused dissatisfaction among a part of the LNOBT staff: they held a protest performance at the entrance of the theater, and distributed a petition to the highest institutions of the country in which they expressed their support for the then director of the theater Jonas Sakalauskas.

J.Sakalauskas, who did not win the second term, then appealed the competition to the court.

While the court proceedings were taking place, in the summer of 2023, L. Vilimienė was elected to lead the Klaipėda State Musical Theater for a second term.

After the courts finally rejected J. Sakalauska’s complaints in April of this year, on September 9 L. Vilimienė started to serve as the general director of LNOBT.

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#year #Vilimienė #leadership #court #marathon #theater #spoke #softly #working #Culture
2024-09-13 05:42:13

Here are some potential PAA (People Also Ask) questions ⁤relevant to the⁤ title “Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre: A New Era Begins”:

Lithuanian National Opera and⁣ Ballet Theatre: A ​New Era Begins

The Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet‌ Theatre, a renowned cultural institution in Lithuania, has recently welcomed a new general director, L. Vilimienė. As she takes the reins of the theatre, questions ​arise about ⁤her plans to establish a relationship with the theatre community, which has expressed dissatisfaction ⁤with her appointment in the past.

A Brief Introduction to the Theatre

The Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre is a national budgetary ‌and ⁤the largest cultural institution in Lithuania, committed to‌ organizing the creation, production, and performance of opera, ballet, and other musical⁤ productions [[2]]. Located⁤ in the heart of Vilnius, the theatre is situated near ‍Gediminas Avenue and ⁢is known for its elegant‌ interior, comfortable seating, and good‌ acoustics [[1]].

A⁤ Controversial Appointment

L. Vilimienė’s appointment as ⁢the general director of ⁤the theatre ​was met with resistance from⁤ a significant portion of the theatre staff. In 2023, she⁣ won the competition ​for the general director of LNOBT, announced by the Ministry of Culture, which‍ led to protests and a petition signed by more than half ⁣of the ​theatre staff, expressing‌ support for ⁣the then-director Jonas Sakalauskas [[3]]. Despite the controversy, L. Vilimienė began her tenure as general director on September 9, 2024.

A Focus on the Premiere of “La Strada

At a recent press conference,‌ the theatre announced the upcoming premiere of ⁢the ballet “La Strada”, which dominated the discussion. When asked about her plans to‌ establish a relationship with the theatre community, L. ​Vilimienė replied succinctly, “In a working‍ way.​ We⁢ just work.⁢ I have been working in the theater ⁣for the third day. Of course, the first tasks are familiarization tasks, interviews with the employees, which⁢ we will start” [[3]].

A Seasoned Professional

L. Vilimienė is no stranger to the National Opera and Ballet Theatre, having served as the ⁣deputy​ director for ​marketing from 2002 to​ 2018. Prior to her appointment, she led the Klaipėda State ⁢Musical Theatre‍ for six years [[3]].

A New Chapter

As L. ​Vilimienė begins her tenure as general director, the Lithuanian National Opera ⁢and Ballet Theatre embarks on a new chapter. With‌ a ‌focus on the upcoming⁢ premiere ⁢of “La⁤ Strada” and a commitment‍ to building relationships with the theatre community,​ the future of this esteemed institution looks bright.





Opera Vilnius program

Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre: A New Era Under L. Vilimienė’s Leadership

The Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre (LNOBT) has recently marked the beginning of its 105th season, accompanied by a highly anticipated premiere of the ballet “La strada”. The theater’s new general director, L. Vilimienė, took office on September 9, following a contentious appointment process that sparked protests and petitions from the theater community.

A Brief Introduction to L. Vilimienė

L. Vilimienė is no stranger to the LNOBT, having served as the deputy director for marketing from 2002 to 2018 [[2]]. Prior to her appointment as the general director of LNOBT, she led the Klaipėda State Musical Theatre for six years [[4]].

The Appointment Controversy

In February 2023, L. Vilimienė won the competition for the general director of LNOBT, announced by the Ministry of Culture. However, this decision was met with dissatisfaction from a significant portion of the LNOBT staff, who expressed their support for the then director, Jonas Sakalauskas, through a public petition [[3]]. Sakalauskas, who did not win the second term, appealed the competition to the court. Meanwhile, L. Vilimienė was elected to lead the Klaipėda State Musical Theatre for a second term in the summer of 2023. The courts eventually rejected Sakalauskas’ complaints in April 2024, paving the way for L. Vilimienė to assume her new role.

Establishing Relationships with the Theater Community

When asked about her plans to establish a relationship with the theater community, L. Vilimienė responded succinctly, stating that she will focus on working with the employees and familiarizing herself with the theater’s operations [[4]]. As she begins her tenure, L. Vilimienė faces the challenge of building trust and rapport with the theater community, which has been divided over her appointment.

The Future of LNOBT

As L. Vilimienė takes the reins of the LNOBT, she inherits a rich cultural institution with a long history. The upcoming premiere of “La strada” is just the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the theater. With her experience and leadership, L. Vilimienė is poised to steer the LNOBT towards new heights, fostering growth, innovation, and artistic excellence.

Former Artistic Director Sesto Quatrini

It is worth noting that prior to L. Vilimienė’s appointment, Sesto Quatrini served as the Artistic Director at the LNOBT [[1]][[2]]. Quatrini’s tenure saw significant artistic developments, and his departure marked the end of an era at the theater. Martynas Rimeikis has since been appointed as the new Artistic Director of Ballet at LNOBT [[3]].

the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre is poised for a new era of growth and artistic excellence under L. Vilimienė’s leadership. As the theater community adapts to this change, it remains to be seen how L. Vilimienė will navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. One thing is certain, however – the LNOBT remains a vital cultural institution, committed to entertaining, educating, and inspiring audiences for generations to come.



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