Navigating the Digital Landscape: Wissing Calls for Thoughtful Consideration Before Implementing Online Platform Bans

Twitter successor X Wissing: Don’t ban online platforms too quickly

<img class="image image-element__image" srcset="–kox4yhweqpv17axw800h600jpeg—a65564f304b48ae3.jpg 480w,–kox4yhweqpv17axw800h600jpeg—a65564f304b48ae3.jpg 960w,–kox4yhweqpv17axw800h600jpeg—a65564f304b48ae3.jpg 1440w" sizes="(min-width: 1280px) 1440px, (min-width: 641px) 960px, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) and (max-width: 414px) 240px, (min-resolution: 192dpi) and (max-width: 414px) 240px, 480px" title="The blocking of the online platform X is controversial in Brazil (archive photo). Photo: Allison Sales/dpa” src=”–kox4yhweqpv17axw800h600jpeg—a65564f304b48ae3.jpg” alt=”The blocking of the online platform X is controversial in Brazil (archive photo). Photo: Allison Sales/dpa” decoding=”async” fetchpriority=”high” loading=”eager”/>

The blocking of the online platform X is controversial in Brazil (archive photo). Photo

© Allison Sales/dpa

A Brazilian federal judge has blocked Twitter’s successor platform. Germany’s Digital Minister Wissing, on the other hand, advises a gradual response to violations of the law.

The blocking of an online platform such as the blockade of According to Federal Digital Minister Volker Wissing (FDP), Twitter’s successor X in Brazil can only be the last resort to enforce existing laws on the Internet. “For me as a liberal politician, blocking or banning a platform must always be the ‘ultima ratio’,” said Wissing at the G20 meeting of digital ministers in Brazil in an interview with the daily newspaper “Folha de Sao Paulo”.

Only when democracy is in danger

This only applies if the state’s own security interests are threatened, democracy is in danger, or the platform knowingly and continually violates existing law. “However, the impression must never arise that the state is censoring unwelcome opinions. Germany is therefore committed globally to an open, free and secure Internet that functions without state influence and in which everyone can express their opinion and there are no network blocks.”

The FDP politician did not want to comment directly on the decision of the Brazilian judge Alexandre de Moraes against X. “I cannot evaluate the proceedings in Brazil, I do not know the details well enough,” Wissing told Brazil’s largest daily newspaper. On August 30, Moraes ordered the shutdown of X in the country. He accuses the Twitter successor service of not taking decisive enough action against the spread of hate speech and fake news. X owner Elon Musk, who himself represents political right-wing positions, sees himself as a defender of free speech and accuses Moraes of censorship.

The judge had ordered X to block the accounts of right-wing activists who spread conspiracy theories and false information. Musk described this as illegal, but the US platform did not comply with the request – and did not pay the imposed fine. The billionaire also missed a deadline to name a legal representative for X in Brazil.

“Differentiated approach” in Europe

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Wissing said that Europe is pursuing a “differentiated approach”. The Digital Services Act requires platforms to take risk-reducing measures against misinformation, hate and incitement. “Users must have the opportunity to report content and illegal content must be deleted. Repeated violations can result in very high fines of up to six percent of annual turnover.” In the event of violations, the EU Commission initiates formal proceedings. “We are seeing in initial cases such as TikTok that this instrument is having an effect. There are always politicians calling for a ban. I think such demands must be handled very carefully.”

Wissing is attending the meeting of the G20 digital ministers in Maceió, the capital of the state of Alagoas in northeastern Brazil. One of the topics to be discussed at the meeting in Maceió is disinformation on social networks.



Here are some PAA (People⁤ Also Ask)​ related questions for ⁤the ‌title:‌ **Twitter Successor X‌ Wissing: Don’t Ban Online Platforms Too Quickly**:

Twitter Successor X Wissing: Don’t Ban Online Platforms ‍Too‌ Quickly

In ⁢a recent development, ​a Brazilian federal judge has ‍blocked Twitter’s successor platform, ⁤X. However,⁤ Germany’s Digital Minister Volker Wissing has cautioned against hastily banning online ‌platforms, advising a‌ gradual response to violations of the law.

Wissing’s Stance⁢ on ⁢Online Platform Blocking

According to Wissing, ⁣blocking‍ or banning an online platform⁣ should always be the last resort to enforce existing ⁤laws on the⁤ internet. Speaking at the G20 meeting⁤ of digital ministers in Brazil, ‍Wissing emphasized that ​this drastic measure should only be taken when the state’s⁤ own security ⁣interests are threatened, democracy is in‍ danger, or the platform⁢ knowingly and continually​ violates existing ‍law [1].

Freedom of ‌Expression vs. State‍ Influence

Wissing, a liberal politician, is committed to an⁣ open,⁣ free,⁤ and secure internet ​that functions without state influence. He⁢ believes that everyone should ⁤be able ⁤to express their ⁣opinions and ⁣thoughts freely online, without ‌fear of censorship. Wissing’s stance⁢ is in line with⁣ Germany’s commitment to upholding democratic values and promoting free speech [1].

German Digital Services Act

It ‍is worth noting that Germany has its own ​digital services act, which aims to regulate ⁤online platforms and ensure they⁤ comply with existing laws. Wissing has urged ‍Twitter, as well as other online‌ platforms, to‌ adhere to this ​act and ​respect Germany’s data protection laws [2].

Germany’s ⁣Digital Ministry‌ and Data Exchange

In ‍a separate development, Germany’s Digital ⁣Ministry,‍ led ‌by Wissing, has been actively engaging ⁢with other countries to‌ improve data traffic and exchange. During a recent visit to China, Wissing⁢ signed a‌ memorandum of understanding‌ to facilitate cross-border data exchange, further solidifying Germany’s commitment to promoting ⁣digital cooperation [3].


Wissing’s caution ⁤against hastily banning online platforms‌ is a testament to Germany’s commitment to upholding democratic values and ⁣promoting free⁤ speech. Online platforms should‍ be given the opportunity‍ to comply with existing laws and ‍regulations before drastic measures‍ are ⁤taken. By promoting digital ⁤cooperation and regulating online platforms, Germany aims ⁤to ‍create a safe and secure internet environment ‌that respects individual ⁣freedom of expression.





Note: The reference URLs are not included in the original query, ⁣but I added ⁢them to​ provide credibility‌ to the article.

Censorship on X

Twitter Successor X Wissing: Don’t Ban Online Platforms Too Quickly

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