Navigating the Consequences of Budget Reductions in North Jutland: How a Community is Adapting to Significant Financial Changes

This appears from a message to the employees, which both Jyllands-Posten and Berlingske have seen.

Rear Admiral Henrik Ryberg, who is head of the navy, writes in the internal briefing that special savings must be made on the number of hours the ships are on the water.

– It is therefore necessary to make a number of adjustments, primarily to the Navy’s activities, which towards the turn of the year can alleviate the need for more funds and thus reduce expenses so that the Navy’s budget is respected, according to the briefing according to Berlingske.

Affects North Jutland

This has direct consequences for the frigate Absalon based in Frederikshavn.

From next year, the frigate was to be the one of the frigates in total that could move out for international missions at short notice.

But now Absalon’s crucial training exercise, which goes by the name Fost, has been cancelled.

This means that Absalon cannot achieve the certification requirement needed to be sent on a mission, says DR.

Mads Sørensen, who is a marine specialist and trade union representative at Absalon, is upset about the canceled exercise.

– This is what we have been training for for a year and a half, and we have been waiting to get going, so it is super, super sad, he says to DR.

Mads Sørensen now fears that there will be redundancies in the wake of the savings.

Both the army, the air force and the navy, all three of which are under the Ministry of Defence, must save millions before the end of the year.

Over the summer, several media have reported on various cost-saving exercises by the three defense forces, which describe how they are forced to save and thus cancel activities, training and exercises.

DR wrote in July that at least six exercises and several further training courses in the air force had to be canceled as part of extensive savings throughout the Armed Forces.

Both DR and the defense media Olfi have previously described savings of DKK 375 million for the rest of the year in the Armed Forces.

Savings that, according to DR, have come in the wake of budget errors and too many planned activities.

This is happening, all the while Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen (V) is in the process of negotiating the ten-year defense settlement with around 195 billion kroner.

The Defense Command informs Jyllands-Posten that no savings have been announced for staffs, commands or authorities, but that more people have been recruited to the Armed Forces.


2024-09-09 20:19:47
#Demands #savings #millions #consequences #North #Jutland

Denmark military​ spending ⁤GDP

Denmark’s Defense Spending: ⁤A⁤ Shift in‍ Focus Amidst Economic Constraint

Denmark, ​a ⁢North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member, has been increasing its defense spending in recent years due to growing security concerns in the region. However, amidst economic ⁤constraints, the country’s defense forces, including the army, air force, and navy, are now facing significant budget cuts, leading to the cancellation of critical training exercises and activities.

A Boost in Defense Spending

In May 2024, Denmark announced plans to increase its defense spending by⁢ an additional $5.1 billion over the next four years [[1]]. This decision⁢ was made ‍in ​response to‍ Russia’s long-term war​ in Ukraine and⁤ the ‌rising security threats in Eastern‍ Europe. The increased spending is aimed at accelerating ‍investments in military capabilities.

Moreover, Denmark has committed to increasing its defense budget gradually to reach ⁢2% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by ​2033, which translates to an annual defense spending increase of around 18 billion [[3]]. This move is in⁤ line with NATO’s recommendations, ⁢as ⁤Denmark spent‍ around 1.65% of its ⁣GDP​ on defense in 2023, equivalent ‍to⁣ approximately ⁤€6.3 billion [[2]].

Budget Cuts and⁣ Cancellations

Despite the planned increase in defense spending, the country’s defense forces are currently ​facing significant budget cuts. The navy, in particular, has‌ been ordered ‌to reduce its activities and ​save millions by the⁢ end ‍of the year. This has‍ led to the⁢ cancellation of critical training exercises, including the‍ Fost exercise, which is ‌essential‍ for the certification of the frigate Absalon based in ⁢Frederikshavn.

The cancellation of ‌the Fost exercise⁢ has raised concerns among sailors, who have been training for over a ⁢year and⁤ a half to participate in international missions at short⁣ notice. The exercise’s cancellation means that Absalon‌ will not meet the certification requirements, putting its ⁢deployment in jeopardy .

Consequences and Concerns

The budget cuts and cancellations have sparked concerns ⁢among defense personnel, with some fearing redundancies in the wake of the⁣ savings. The impact of these cuts will be felt not only by the navy but also by the army and air force, which are⁤ also facing similar budget constraints.

The‌ cancellations of exercises ⁣and ‌training courses ‌will undoubtedly affect⁣ the readiness and capabilities of Denmark’s ⁤defense​ forces, potentially compromising their ability to respond⁢ to emerging security threats.

while Denmark has ‌committed to increasing⁤ its defense spending in the long ‍run, the current budget constraints are forcing the country’s defense forces to⁢ make difficult choices, including the⁣ cancellation of critical training exercises. As the country navigates its security concerns, it must ​strike a balance between fiscal ​responsibility and ensuring the readiness and capabilities of its defense forces.

NATO spending by country

Denmark’s Military Spending: A Comprehensive Overview

Denmark, a NATO member country, has been actively investing in its military capabilities to meet the alliance’s defense goals. Recent news has highlighted the importance of Denmark’s military spending, with the country aiming to increase its defense budget to 2% of its GDP by 2033, equivalent to an increase of around 18 billion in annual defense spending [1].

Current Military Spending

According to recent data, Denmark’s military spending/defense budget for 2022 was $5.47 billion, representing a 3.68% increase from 2021 [2]. This growth in military spending is a sign of Denmark’s commitment to strengthening its defense capabilities.

Future Plans and Investments

In recent news, Denmark has announced plans to boost its defense budget by 40.5 billion Danish crowns ($5.9 billion) over the next five years to meet NATO targets and address major defense challenges [3]. This significant investment will help Denmark to strengthen its military capabilities and contribute to the country’s long-term security and stability.

Impacts on Local Communities

The increased military spending and investments in defense capabilities will have a direct impact on local communities, particularly in North Jutland, where the frigate Absalon is based. The cancellation of Absalon’s crucial training exercise, Fost, has raised concerns among locals, who fear redundancies and job losses in the wake of the savings [Originalarticle[Originalarticle].


Denmark’s military spending is on the rise, with the country committed to increasing its defense budget to 2% of its GDP by 2033. The recent investments in defense capabilities will have a direct impact on local communities, and it is essential to ensure that these investments are made in a sustainable and responsible manner. As Denmark continues to strengthen its military capabilities, it is crucial to prioritize transparency, accountability, and community engagement to ensure that the benefits of these investments are shared equitably among all stakeholders.



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