Navigating Psychosis in Youth: Effective Strategies for Support

2024-09-05 06:00:26

Ludopathy is an addiction to recreational activities. Currently, it is a risk factor in young people. Below, learn about its characteristics and the best ways to combat it.

Last updated: September 5, 2024

Addiction does not necessarily involve toxic substances. Gaming pathology or pathological gaming in teenagers is an example of addiction without a substance.

Due to advances in technology, young people are increasingly using electronic media for social interaction and entertainment. However, some teenagers use video games as a coping mechanism in difficult situations. This can have a negative impact on their normal development in other aspects of their lives.

Compared to other addictions involving substance use, this issue has been rarely studied. However, it is important to recognize its seriousness and find the best way to deal with it. In addition, we must not forget to consider casino games and betting, even among teenagers.

What is a movement disorder?

Ludo disease, also known as pathological gamblingrefers to excessive and uncontrolled recreational activities. The intensity and frequency of gambling abuse or the amount invested is evident. Additionally, it can negatively impact family, social, school, and professional relationships.

it’s an addiction no substance. Therefore, it is impossible for an individual to resist this urge. The latter also experience increasing subjective tension before performing the act, which tension is relieved at the moment of execution, giving way to pleasure and satisfaction.

Games of chance and card games are classic examples of gaming sickness. Furthermore, the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of pathological gambling clearly states that repeated participation in gambling predominates in the presence of compulsive gamblers. From a strictly medical perspective, there is also video game use disorder.

Also read: Behavioral Addictions: Definition, Types, and Treatment

What are the causes of dyskinesia?

Adolescence is a developmental stage involving physical, psychological, and relational changes. This made this a conflict-ridden time. Therefore, the family and social environment in which an individual grows up play an important role in coping adequately with difficult situations.

In some cases, gambling among young people means: Inadequate strategy overcoming emotional difficulties. Teens who struggle with gambling or other addictions often live with Family background conflict Or lack of emotion. Hence the emergence of these addictive behaviors.

On the other hand, pathological gambling can also develop when it is associated with obtaining a prize or winning. These include money, emotional excitement, and interaction with other gaming friends.

It should be noted that gambling represents a way to make money quickly. and may be factors conducive to the start of this activity. Especially among those who don’t always have the means to achieve financial independence.

Finally, gambling among young people is often related to the following factors: Other psychiatric complicationsFor example:

Substance abuse Mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety, attention deficit and hyperactive personality disorder

In these cases, there is often an individual predisposition to psychiatric complications. This makes them more likely to develop pathological gambling as a coping mechanism in difficult situations.

How to combat youth online games?

The best treatment is psychotherapy. In addition to this, support from family and loved ones is also important.

family and social support

Firstly, it is important to create a supportive and understanding environment for young people affected by pathological gambling. This creation involves strengthening positive emotional bonds and effective communication among family members. This promotes the establishment of emotional stability.

Furthermore, family cohesion allows adolescents to have a space in which to take refuge and gain the security they need to face difficulties that arise.


This is the best way to fight this addiction. a series of Skill Designed to practice social skills, problem-solving and relapse prevention.

The most effective measures are as follows:

behavioral techniques. It focuses on desensitization and relaxation. This is a technique designed to reduce anxiety caused by a lack of play, often teaching relaxation methods. Let the patient know how to stay calm while encouraging him to play.cognitive technologies. They seek to change false beliefs about gambling and the illusion of control experienced by young compulsive gamblers through the aforementioned practices.Group therapy. This involves restructuring cognitive distortionsto facilitate connections with others in the same situation. Allow others facing the same problem to express their own difficulties and work together to find solutions and coping mechanisms.

drug treatment

It is often recommended as a complementary treatment for severe compulsive gambling in adolescents. people in need Often have depressive symptoms and high levels of anxiety. In order to achieve effective results, psychotherapy is also important.

Disease among young people is a social problem

Movement disorders in young people are not an individual problem. It expresses a social evil that intimate networks of containment and support often fail to prevent. That is why the family plays a decisive role in this disease.

There are different methodological techniques and it is important that the professionals involved know how to use and combine the most effective techniques for the situation. Every teenager is different. In fact, what works for one person may not work for another.

All cited sources are thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, timeliness and validity. The bibliographies included in this article are believed to be academically or scientifically reliable and accurate.

Echeburúa E, De Corral P. Responsible gambling: alternatives for the prevention and treatment of gambling addiction? Addicted. 2008;20(4):321.Echeburua E, Fernandez J, Baez C. Advances in the treatment of pathological gambling. Addicted. 1999;3(1):349–61. Astoray E. The relationship between family functioning and gambling levels among adolescents in a technical educational institution, Villa El Salvador “Bilvos, Peru – Republic of Bolivia” – 2012 [Internet]. Universidad Nacional de San Marcos; 2014.ón V. Pathological gambling: a review of the topic. Reverend Collum, a psychiatrist. 2006;3:380–99. “Adolescence and adolescence.” ADOLESCERE • Journal of Continuing Education of the Spanish Association of Adolescent Medicine 5.1 (2017): 07-22. “Risk factors for gambling addiction among adolescents in school Leoncio Prado Gutiérrez 80627, El Porvenir district, 2015.” (2016). Baroni, Stefano et al. “Problematic Internet use among drug users receiving treatment in public rehabilitation centers.” World Journal of Psychiatry 9.3 (2019): 55. Botero, Jesús María Dapena. “In Search of a Possible Psychoanalytic Approach to the Treatment of Gambling Addiction.” Journal of Science Reviewed by the MenteClara Foundation 4.2 (2019): 111-131. Londoño, Yein Alexandra Muñoz. “Path Gambling: A Review and Analysis of an Integrated Model.” Drugs and Addictive Behaviors (History) 1.2 (2016): 201-219.
#Psychosis #young #people #deal

Understanding Ludopathy: The Rising Concern of Gaming Addiction⁤ Among Youth

Last updated: September​ 5, 2024

In recent years, the issue of gaming addiction—referred ‌to as‌ ludopathy—has emerged as a⁤ significant ⁣concern, particularly ‌among‌ young people. Unlike traditional substance addictions, ludopathy is characterized‍ by an obsession with recreational activities, most notably video‍ games and gambling. As digital engagement increases, understanding the characteristics, causes, ​and ‌potential solutions to this issue is more crucial than ever.


What is Ludopathy?

Ludopathy, or pathological gambling, is defined as an excessive and uncontrollable engagement in games, whether they are video games or gambling activities. Individuals who ⁣suffer from this addiction often experience ‌a compelling urge to play, leading to⁣ significant negative impacts on their personal life, relationships, and overall development.

Key Characteristics of Ludopathy

  • Impulsive Behavior: Individuals ⁣exhibit a lack of control over their gaming habits, often prioritizing playtime​ at the expense of other⁤ important activities, ⁢such as ⁣academics⁣ and social interactions.
  • Emotional Relief: Many teens ‍resort​ to gaming as a way to escape from emotional‍ difficulties, using it as a coping mechanism rather than as a mere‍ pastime.
  • Compulsive​ Participation: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ‌ludopathy involves recurring participation in gambling activities despite ⁤the harmful consequences involved.

Causes of Ludopathy

Understanding the ⁢underlying factors that lead to ludopathy is essential for the development of effective prevention and treatment strategies. ⁤Several key⁤ elements contribute to its ⁣emergence:

  1. Developmental Changes: Adolescence is a period of significant physical, emotional, and social changes. Teens‌ may ⁢turn to ⁤gaming as an unhealthy coping strategy to deal with these challenges.
  1. Family Dynamics: Conflicts‌ within ⁣the family or a lack of emotional support ⁤can⁤ lead adolescents to‍ seek solace in gaming or gambling. A nurturing family environment is crucial in helping youth navigate their challenges.
  1. Psychiatric Factors: Many young ‌individuals struggling with ludopathy may also face other mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or ADHD. These psychiatric complications increase the ⁤likelihood of addiction as‌ they look for ways to escape their struggles.
  1. Winning and Rewards: ‍The allure​ of‍ immediate rewards—be ⁤it money ‌or emotional excitement—can‍ motivate young individuals to engage in risky gambling ​behaviors. This can lead them to seek quick financial gains, further entrenching them ​in the ⁤cycle of addiction.

Combating Ludopathy in Young⁤ People

While ⁣ludopathy presents significant challenges, various effective methods exist to combat this growing social concern.

1. Family and​ Social Support

Creating a supportive environment ‌is ‍vital for adolescents struggling with ludopathy. Family cohesion ⁤can help establish emotional stability, allowing young people a safe space⁢ to⁢ express their difficulties and seek guidance. Open communication can‌ catalyze healing and facilitate healthy coping mechanisms.

2. Psychotherapy

Effective ⁤treatment for ludopathy often includes psychotherapy, which⁣ can take on various approaches:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This method helps⁢ individuals recognize and alter harmful thought patterns and beliefs associated with gaming ​addiction.
  • Group Therapy: Connecting with peers who‍ face ⁢similar challenges can provide a sense of community and shared understanding, enabling young people to collaborate‍ on solutions.
  • Behavioral Techniques: Techniques such as desensitization and relaxation aim to reduce anxiety linked to ⁤the urge to play, empowering individuals to manage their cravings effectively.

3. Medication

In cases of severe compulsive gambling or overlapping ​mental health issues, pharmacological interventions may be used as a complementary treatment. Medications can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety or‍ depression, which‍ often accompany ludopathy.

Ludopathy and its Social Implications

Ludopathy is not merely an ⁤individual issue; it is a broader social problem that reflects how familial and social networks often fail to provide adequate support. Awareness and education are pivotal in addressing ludopathy among young⁣ people, as ⁤different ‍strategies ​must⁢ be implemented to‌ cater to each adolescent’s unique situation.


Addressing ludopathy among youth requires⁢ a⁣ multifaceted approach inclusive of familial support, professional treatment, ‌and community awareness.⁢ While the journey to recovery⁢ may ⁢be challenging, proactive measures ⁤can significantly reduce the risks associated with this form of addiction, ultimately fostering healthier habits⁢ and resilience in our younger generations.

ludopathy is a serious concern that warrants attention from parents, educators,‍ and mental ⁤health professionals alike. By fostering supportive environments‍ and providing effective therapeutic ‌interventions, we ‍can help ⁢mitigate the risks and repercussions associated‌ with this growing phenomenon.



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