Navigating Mexico’s Economic Terrain: Insights from Coface on ‘B Risk

Navigating Mexico’s Economic Terrain: Insights from Coface on ‘B Risk

MEXICO CITY (El Universal).— After evaluating the global and national economic environment, the French company Coface granted Mexico the country risk rating B, considering that the possibility of corporate default on payments is “significant.”

The highest rating is A1, with a “very low” risk of companies defaulting on payments; followed by A2, A3, A4, and then B, which comes before C, high risk, and D, “very high.”

The credit insurer found weaknesses including a strong dependence on the United States economy, high levels of crime linked to cartels, and corruption that exists on top of poverty and inequality.

From his perspective, there are weaknesses in transport, as well as in the health and education systems; high levels of informality in the economy and the labour market, which leads to a very narrow tax base.

In addition, the oil sector, specifically Pemex, is undermined by years of low investment.

Among Mexico’s strengths, they highlighted, are its geographical proximity to the United States, which has the largest economy on the planet, as well as the USMCA.

He highlighted the country’s broad industrial base, fiscal and monetary prudence, the free-floating peso and an adequate level of reserves, as well as the size of the population and the low cost of labor.

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#Risk #Mexico #Coface
2024-09-13 09:35:06

Mexico economy

Mexico’s Economic ⁣Landscape: An⁣ Assessment of ⁤Country Risk by Coface

Mexico, a country known ⁢for its rich cultural ‌heritage and economic potential, has been evaluated by French credit insurer Coface, which has⁣ granted ‍the nation a country risk rating of B. This rating indicates a “significant” risk of corporate default on payments, highlighting several weaknesses in ⁢Mexico’s economic environment.

Coface’s Country Risk Rating System

Coface’s country risk rating system‌ is a widely recognized and respected assessment of a country’s creditworthiness. The ratings range from ⁤A1 (very low ⁢risk) to D (very high risk), with B being the ⁢midpoint. This rating system takes into account various economic‍ indicators, including⁣ macroeconomic stability, payment​ experience, and business environment [[3]].

Weaknesses in Mexico’s Economy

According to Coface, Mexico’s economy is heavily dependent on the​ United States, which poses a significant risk to its economic stability [[3]]. Additionally, high levels of ​crime and⁢ corruption, perpetuated by cartels, have a negative impact on the business environment.⁣ Poverty and inequality also remain significant challenges for the Mexican ​economy.

Transport, Health, and Education Systems: Areas for Improvement

Coface has identified weaknesses in Mexico’s‍ transport, health, and education ⁢systems, which hinders the country’s economic⁣ growth. The high levels of informality in the economy and labor market also pose ⁤a ‍significant challenge, leading to⁣ a lack ‍of ‌access ​to formal⁢ credit and social services for many individuals.

Coface’s Offerings in Mexico

Despite the ‍challenges facing Mexico’s economy, Coface offers a ‍range of services to support businesses‌ operating in the country. These ‌services include trade credit insurance, factoring, debt ⁣collection, single risk insurance,‌ and ⁢bonding, providing companies with the necessary tools to ‍manage risk and ensure business continuity‌ [[2]].

A‍ Knowledge Sharing⁢ Platform on Mexico

For those interested⁤ in learning‍ more ​about Mexico’s⁤ culture,‌ history, arts, economy, tourism, and associations, Coface provides​ a comprehensive knowledge sharing platform [[1]]. This platform offers a wealth of information on Mexico’s economic environment, including economic indicators, business news, and expert analysis.


Mexico’s country risk rating of B by Coface highlights the need for the country to address‌ its economic weaknesses, including its dependence on the United States, high levels of⁢ crime and corruption, and inequality. However, ⁣with the right support and services, businesses can still thrive in Mexico. Coface’s offerings and knowledge sharing platform provide valuable resources⁢ for companies looking ​to navigate ​the complexities of the Mexican market.





Mexico economy

Mexico’s Economic Landscape: An Assessment of Country Risk by Coface

Mexico, a country known for its rich cultural heritage and economic potential, has been evaluated by French credit insurer Coface, which has granted the nation a country risk rating of B. This rating indicates a “significant” risk of corporate default on payments, highlighting several weaknesses in Mexico’s economic environment.

Coface’s Country Risk Rating System

Coface’s country risk rating system is a widely recognized and respected assessment of a country’s creditworthiness. The ratings range from A1 (very low risk) to D (very high risk), with B being the midpoint. This rating system takes into account various economic indicators, including macroeconomic stability, payment experience, and business environment [[3]].

Weaknesses in Mexico’s Economy

According to Coface, Mexico’s economy is heavily dependent on the United States, which poses a significant risk to its economic stability [[3]]. Additionally, high levels of crime and corruption, perpetuated by cartels, have a negative impact on the business environment. Poverty and inequality also remain significant challenges for the Mexican economy.

Transport, Health, and Education Systems: Areas for Improvement

Coface has identified weaknesses in Mexico’s transport, health, and education systems, which hinder the country’s economic growth. The high levels of informality in the economy and labor market also pose a significant challenge, leading to a lack of access to formal credit and social services for many individuals.

Coface’s Offerings in Mexico

Despite the challenges facing Mexico’s economy, Coface offers a range of services to support businesses operating in the country. These services include trade credit insurance, factoring, debt collection, single risk



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