Navigating Life’s Tempests with Your Loved Ones: Strategies for Resilience

2024-09-04 09:34:10

But Kadriye Bag / 4 September 2024 / 17 Views

Dear friend,

There is no life without torment.

The storm always comes.

And perhaps you yourself, as you read this letter, are going through a difficult time.

Here are three ideas that I find useful, but which are not exclusive, of course!

Emotional autonomy

When you are on a plane and you have a child next to you and turbulence is forecast, it is recommended that you take care of yourself before taking care of the child(1).

If you need to put on a life jacket, you put yours on before you put theirs on the child.

If you have to use the oxygen mask, you mask yourself before doing the same for the child(1).

It’s the same in real life.

To make those around you feel good, no matter what the circumstances are – and especially if they are difficult – you must start by taking care of yourself(1,2).

The time you give yourself should match your needs.

This therefore implies, beforehand, that you have identified your needs! Yes, you have them. It is essential to recognize this…

If you need time to sleep, exercise, meditate, sing or take a hot bath every week, it is good that you not only take this time, but that you sanctify it(3).

Do not hesitate, in the time you dedicate to yourself, to include moments of silence.

It is also essential that all these moments are ritualized. They are part of everyday life and contribute to your overall balance (3,4).

No one should stop you from living these times which are totally yours.

By doing this, you are caring for yourself as a person who is important to you.

And so you activate the recognition circuits that you need(4).

No one will thank you for your efforts as much as you will yourself.

And in any case, you should not be dependent on the recognition of others to advance in your projects.

This aspect is not easy to master.

But it is important.

Psychologists call this inner, caring voice the “nurturing parent” that gives you the recognition you need(4).

The power of listening

When you are going through a difficult time with your family, in a group, in a business or in an association, one of your most reliable resources will be listening(5).

This is all the more true in a world that moves at full speed, where more or less idle requests are numerous and where attention has become rare(5).

Your attention to others, your listening, are a precious asset for the people around you.

It’s like a refreshing fountain from which they can come and drink.

For your listening to be useful, it must be caring, without interruption and without judgment (5,6).

This listening is better if it is not accompanied by unsolicited advice.

If a person wants to be listened to, it is not to hear advice. But to hear an echo, to have the confirmation that he exists in this world, that there is a place for his voice, since there is an ear to listen to him, that he is simply loved.

There are different ways to listen.

One of them is called active listening(6,7).

It is practiced by some psychologists, such as those trained by the Institute of Emotional Logic in France, but it is also very present in Canada.

This is structured listening. When you practice it, your attention is focused on your interlocutor in order to understand and properly evaluate what he or she is telling you.

You can start by making eye contact if you feel it helps the relationship, but it is not mandatory, especially since some people may prefer to avoid it.

Your attention is focused on what your interlocutor is saying (6,7).

You don’t do anything else at the same time. You don’t check your phone.

You let your interlocutor speak, giving them the opportunity to pause.

This gives him time to think about what he is going to say.

You may ask questions about what is said to help clarify the point, but without making any comments.

You can also repeat a word or phrase expressed by your interlocutor.

He has a mirror in front of him, which helps him understand better what he is saying.

This listening is intended to help your interlocutor clarify his or her thoughts.

It may be accompanied by a search for a solution, but this can wait.

Sometimes the most important thing for the person you’re talking to is to simply say what they have to say and be heard.

The joy of being surrounded

The third key that I propose to you is openness to others, including those outside your circle of close friends.

This can be done through community involvement, group activities such as singing in a choir or dancing.

This can also be done through discussion or therapeutic circles.

Being surrounded, taking action with others, spending time together gives meaning to your life.

It is also a basic human need(8). We are made to be connected to the tribe.

And your extended network of real people you can do things with is your 21st century tribe(8).

It is also a way to escape the difficulties of everyday life and to see that often, in others, the turmoil is there too.

Your life is difficult, and so is everyone else’s. And that’s why we have to stick together!

By creating bonds of mutual aid, listening, camaraderie, or simply sport or conviviality, you stay connected to what allows you to get through crises with confidence: the part of humanity that is in you.

Neither your phone nor artificial intelligence can replace this!

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

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Finding Inner Strength in Turbulent Times: 3 Essential Ideas for Emotional Autonomy and Resilience

Are you facing a difficult time in your life? ‌You’re not alone. Turbulence is an inevitable part of⁢ our journey, and it’s essential ​to develop the skills​ to navigate through it ⁢with‍ resilience and emotional autonomy. In this article, we’ll explore three ⁣valuable ideas to help ‌you find inner strength ​and tranquility in the midst of chaos.

Embracing Emotional Autonomy: Putting Yourself First

When a plane hits turbulence, passengers are advised⁤ to put on their own oxygen masks before helping others. This simple yet powerful analogy⁢ applies to our daily lives as well. ​To care for those⁣ around you, you must first take care of yourself. This means recognizing your ‌needs and making‍ time for self-care, ‍just as⁢ you would for a loved one.

Sanctify your ⁤self-care rituals, whether​ it’s a relaxing bath,⁤ meditation, or a good night’s sleep. These‌ moments of silence ​and self-reflection are essential for your overall⁢ balance and well-being. By prioritizing your own needs, ⁣you’ll‍ activate ‌the recognition circuits that fuel your self-worth and confidence.

The Power of Listening: A Reliable Resource in Turbulent Times

In a‌ world that’s ​constantly in motion, listening has become a rare and precious commodity. Yet, it’s precisely in difficult​ times that listening becomes a⁤ powerful tool for connection and understanding. When you listen ​attentively to others, you not only ⁤build stronger relationships but also cultivate empathy and ⁣compassion.

In the midst‌ of chaos, listening can ⁤be a ⁣lifeline that helps you stay grounded and focused. By slowing down and truly listening to others,⁢ you’ll gain a deeper understanding of their needs and concerns, leading to more effective communication and conflict ⁣resolution.

Additional ‌Strategies for Navigating Turbulent Times

While emotional autonomy and listening are essential tools for resilience, here‌ are a few additional strategies to help you cope with ​difficult situations:

  1. Identify your needs: Take time to reflect ‍on what you need to feel balanced and fulfilled. This ⁣could include exercise, creative pursuits, or simply spending⁤ time in nature.
  2. Ritualize self-care:⁣ Make self-care a priority ‌by scheduling it into your daily routine. This⁣ could be as⁣ simple as‍ taking a few deep⁢ breaths‍ each morning‍ or enjoying a cup of tea before bed.
  3. Practice mindfulness: ​Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or yoga, can help you stay present and focused in the midst of chaos.
  4. Cultivate ‌gratitude: Take time each day to reflect on the things you’re⁣ grateful for. This helps shift your focus away from stress and anxiety and towards the positive aspects of your life.


Navigating turbulent times requires emotional autonomy, resilience, and a deep understanding of yourself and others. By prioritizing your own needs, listening to others, and cultivating mindfulness and gratitude, you’ll be better equipped to face life’s challenges with ⁤confidence and inner strength. Remember, no one can calm the​ storm for you, but you can develop the skills to navigate through it with peace and tranquility.

Keywords: emotional autonomy, resilience, self-care, listening, mindfulness, gratitude, turbulent times, ⁣inner strength, confidence, conflict resolution, empathy,‌ compassion.

Meta Description: Discover⁣ three essential ideas for finding inner strength and emotional autonomy in turbulent times. Learn how to ⁤prioritize​ self-care, harness the power of listening, and cultivate mindfulness and gratitude to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and peace.

Header Tags:

H1: Finding ‍Inner Strength in Turbulent Times: 3 Essential Ideas for⁤ Emotional Autonomy ⁣and Resilience

H2: Embracing Emotional Autonomy: Putting Yourself First

* H2: The Power of Listening: ⁢A⁤ Reliable Resource in Turbulent Times



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